


Monday, May 26, 2014

Waters' blog triggers candidate Carolyn Crain’s continued heavy criticism of new conservatives

This recent PCO candidate dust up has caused Carolyn Crain to again release her manic fury on the new conservative movement in Clark County and the current leadership in the local Republican Party. 

What happened?  Recently, a few independent PCO candidates conducted a process to educate selected PCO candidates on the presence of apparent 'fodder' candidates. These 'fodder' candidates are citizens recruited for the sole purpose of denying the PCO position to a candidate known or thought to be with the new conservative movement in Clark County. It was hoped that these potential fodder PCOs would vote for the old guard establishment candidates for local party leadership when the new Board of the Clark County Republican Party was elected later this year. In the 2012 PCO races there were many more 'fodder' candidates and many withdrew when they learned the motives of the prior Republican leaders that recruited them. Therefore this reasonable process to find willing withdrawals was being repeated. 

To underscore the negative impact of the fodder PCO candidates, the new conservative movement worked to recruit PCO candidates that would actually conduct the work of precinct voter development. These type of PCOs would help all Republican candidates as this valuable voter data was built.

Thus, another attempt to seek withdrawals of fodder PCO candidates was eminently reasonable—but one would have thought a crime against God and Country occurred to observe the reaction of Carolyn Crain, Lew Waters, and a few other knee-jerk fellow travelers. And a few days after their screams of indignation it was found that Seattle area Republican operatives, in coordination with a few local Clark County people, were illegally signing up PCOs (as fodder). This of course was of no interest to Carolyn Crain and Lew Waters. In two words, 'Wild Hypocrisy'.

In the last few years Carolyn Crain has been appreciated for taking on the liberal candidate in the 49th. The old party pundits said it was hopeless. Based on this alleged hopelessness, she was given little support or attention from the prior Clark County Republican party leadership and inside circle. Now that Carolyn has become one of the main grenade throwers to the new conservative movement in Clark County, she appears to be good friend of the prior Republican leadership and advocates. This started with many of these people helping fund Ms. Crain's PAC from a year ago and now with her campaign. The old saying seems to hold true; The enemy of my enemy—is my friend.

It seems like a poor idea for a Republican candidate to be blasting the more involved and dedicated activists. One would think she would just be quiet for her own sake.  And with Lew Waters casting some in new conservative movement as criminals and all as simply-minded ideologues highlights that he lives in an emotionally driven altered reality. The new activists are in fact thoughtful and educated citizens. These genuine conservatives are simply fed up with the Republican establishment working with the Democrats to destroy America's financial well-being and culture. Because they took decisive action to become organized in Clark County to be part of a national reform movement, these hard working conservatives are condemned. First by the prior local Republican establishment who are mad because their power and social structure was disrupted (ironically many who are conservative). Second by others like Lew Waters who have carved out a certain opinion years ago and are unable to make corrections, no matter the obvious evidence. Carolyn Crain suffers from both of these reasons.

Carolyn Crain has signs around town saying 'I care about you'. This may be true—as long as you don't disagree with her.

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