


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Lew Doubles Down on Stupid

Source: Facebook
Well, it seems Lew became aware of this blog . . . .

In any drama, the Hero is challenged early on in the story when that which is most dear to him is taken away.  The hero has the choice of responding in one of two ways.  He can take the high road, in which case there is no story, or he can take the low road, which is the basis of all drama.  His motivation to take the low road is usually associated with his fatal flaw.

Lew’s fatal flaw is his ego, which has clouded his ability to see things for what they are, and as a result, we face the spectacle of watching Lew implode.

The content and comments of his most recent offering to the altar of arrogance have enough material for several articles. But before we start, I want to make you aware of a standard tactic used by the left, and adopted by Lew: DARVO.  Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender.  This is precisely what Lew has been doing, and now that he’s lost control of the message and someone is using his tactics against him, he’s going apoplectic.  It didn’t have to be this way, Lew. There have been many overtures to you to invite you to get to know the new face of the Clark Republican Party, and you have declined all of them. 

Warning:  Dangerous animal!  When attacked it has been known to defend itself!
Lew Waters expresses dismay at the amount of “crap” he received from the Newly activated conservatives of Clark County.  Well, duh, Lew, considering that you never once gave them a break, and castigated them at every chance right from the get-go, what the hell did you expect?  Have you once sat down over a beer with any of them to see what they were really about?  I don’t recall seeing you at any of the party meetings, so you’ve always been on the outside throwing rocks at something you didn’t understand, and were unwilling to find out about. 

In a fit of paranoia Lew makes reference to “secret back-door dealings” and claiming that they’re not right.  Oh really?  So when Ryan Hart and the rest of the GOP establishment makes secret back-door deals, that’s perfectly fine, but when the people rise up and say “ENOUGH!” then that’s not right?  People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, Lew.  I personally know people who were approached by Ryan Hart to run against the New Conservative PCO recruits.  How is that any different?  Reality check, dude.  You’re not making any sense here.

Lew continues, claiming that the New Republicans are more interested in opposing someone instead of promoting candidates.  This just demonstrates how isolated that Lew has made himself, and how little he’s aware of what’s going on.  The New Conservatives Republicans are promoting candidates.  Damn good ones, who believe in smaller government, fiscal responsibility, and the return to constitutional principles.  No one is being opposed, unless you’re a mouthpiece for the return to top-down Party politics or have other overt defects.  That’s not conservatism, that’s just big brother.  Nobody has done anything in secret, the committee meetings are open to all PCO’s. . . oh, but Lew isn’t a PCO. . . 

Lew wants his targets to be above board and transparent, yet he has not once offered to meet with any of those he derides and find out what’s going on.  And after his repeated and unprovoked attacks – driven by some ideological hatred for Ron Paul it seems – no one is willing to meet with him because he has not demonstrated himself to be an honest broker. The New Conservatives can be as transparent as possible, but it will make no difference, because the obstacles are in Lew's vision, not in anything the Clark GOP has done.

Lew brands those in his sights as extremists and radicals.  If this is how he sees the Newly Activated Clark Conservatives, then they should proudly wear the mantle, for Barry Goldwater said, “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!”  Lew brands himself a conservative, but I guess it must be a special brand of conservative that I’ve been unaware of to this point.

Tom Watson sagely suggested that Lew call out his opponents in this little dust up and challenge them to a public debate.  Won’t happen, Tom.  Lew does not engage when he doesn’t control the microphone or the medium.  And he’s got nothing substantive to debate on that won’t be shredded in no time and revealed for the ignorant muckraking that it is.  He knows that in a fair discussion of the issues he will end up looking like the out of touch, shrill nut that he is; and that the New Clark Conservatives will come across as the reasonable, thoughtful conservative voice for Clark County. Lew cannot debate issues in this context, because there are no issues that he fundamentally disagrees with.  He prefers to deal in the currency of personal attacks, insinuations and name calling.  With all the vitriol he's leveled at the New Clark County Conservatives, he hasn't once discussed any actual issues that had anything to do with reality.

The conversation winds down with some general grumbling about “radicals” and “RINOs.”  Let’s stop and think about that.  Radical:  Smaller, constitutional government by the people and for the people.  How is that radical?  Fiscal responsibility.  How is that radical?  Choosing our leadership rather than having it chosen for us by people who are not even part of our community?  That’s a radical concept.  Beware those radical conservatives!

A RINO is someone who has an (R) at the end of their name, yet enables Democrats.  You can play your DARVO strategy all day, Lew, but one group in this County has chosen to push back against the RINOs, and you spat on the invitation to join them.

You want the bickering and attacks to stop, Lew?  Then dial it down, enter into an actual dialog with EVERYONE in the Clark Republican party – that includes the CCGOP chair and committee members – and start reporting honestly about what we’re trying to do here instead of sitting there throwing grenades because someone rustled your jimmies.  I personally would like nothing better than to go to your blog or facebook page and find nothing that I have to call bullshit on.  You don't need to choose friends and enemies.  Just start being an honest broker instead of peddling your ignorance, fear and prejudice.

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