


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Paranoia will Destroy Ya

The depths of Lew Waters' psychosis are being explored, and the more we push, the stranger things become in Lew's world.  Having had prior experience dealing with the mentally ill, I can only express sympathy for Lew and pray for his speedy recovery.  Nevertheless, one cannot start slinging slander around with wild abandon without being challenged to return to reality.  Here are the results of some of Lew's latest paranoid hallucinations.

Lew, come on.  Make me work for it.  This is like shooting fish in a barrel.

"They first decided to seize the GOP."  Who are "they,"  Lew?  Citizens of Clark County?  Residents of Clark County?  Conservatives who have had enough of business as usual politics?  Who are these mysterious "They" you insist on slandering?

I'll tell you.  "They" are housewives, businessmen, entrepreneurs, working class teachers, engineers, pilots, nurses, office workers.  "They" are our neighbors, long time residents and people newly arrived.  "They" are veterans and immigrants and people whose roots in America go back to the revolutionary war.  "They" are people who want their country back, and have gotten damn sick and tired of waiting for the State and National party to start representing them instead of sucking up for personal gains. "They" are what people like Carl Rove laughingly call the "base" and then get ignored while the establishment sucks up to the left to try to garner votes.  "They" are the ones who have stayed home once too many times on election night because the Establishment GOP candidate had no interest in representing them.  "They" are the ones who are pissed off and have finally decided that enough is enough!

". . .what they trump up. . ."
Lew, Lew, Lew. . . I told you this forum was gong to call bullshit on you when you went off the reservation, and here you go again.  Apollo Fuhriman was caught red-handed signing people up to be PCO candidates without their knowledge or consent.  He admitted it in order to contain the damage to the WSRP.  I personally want to see the mutt charged and deposed, so we can find out who told him to do this, who suggested this was appropriate.  Dammit, I want to know who else knew about this, and when did they know it!

So huff and puff all you want.  When you make statements like this the objective observer just sees a loony old man. Stay relevant, Lew.  That's the standard we're going to hold you to.

And then Lew ends with "I don't do bullies well." Which has me rolling on the floor laughing my ass off!  This from someone who has positioned himself to be the biggest bully in the blogosphere in Clark County!  You can dish it out, but you can't take it, is that the case, Lew?  What's the matter, you don't like it when someone does to you what you've been doing indiscriminately for the last two years to people you don't even know? Lordy, that is too funny!

Not to be left out of the race for least relevant voice in politics, "Wild Bill" Cismar offered up this gem of wisdom:

I've got to say, one thing you guys don't lack is nerve.  I remember you, Bill.  You were the one at the County convention holding the microphone while the ballots were being counted and refusing to give it to anyone who you had a personal disagreement with.  Don't lecture us on underhanded and dishonorable.

". . . return the party to representative of the citizens."

Truth in meaning, Bill.  What this means in Cismar-speak is ". .. . return the party to representative of the citizens who agree with me."  i.e. the Establishment.  See above for who these nefarious agents of evil are. Plutocracies?  Please.  Get a grip on yourself.  That's precisely what the New Clark Conservatives have been fighting to end. 

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