


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Lew Ratchets up the Hysteria

In spite of numerous calls on this blog for Lew to dial the rhetoric back and reestablish contact with the concept of reality, poor old Lew just keeps the hits coming.  What surely should have been nothing more than a couple of passing shots to get him to recognize that the people he insists on demonizing are ideologically in step with him on most issues - all issues locally, in fact, has turned into a "scorched earth" campaign in Lew's agitated mind.

Here's the situation:  Lew has closed his blog to the public.  It's apparently by invitation only.  Not what we had hoped would happen, and surely not an optimal solution, but at least he's not publicly trying to divide the Republican conservative party in Southwest Washington for the moment.  We were considering closing down this blog in response, because there's just no class in spiking the football after this kind of result.  But then Lew posts this sort of nonsense on his facebook page:


In spite of numerous times trying to explain to Lew, the Ron Paul supporters have nothing to do with this.  The Ron Paul supporters do not control the political scene in Southwest Washington.  They are a significant part of the conservatives who have restored control of the party to the people, but are in no way the Majority.  How many times do we have to say this before Lew wraps his head around it?  Or is he just going to keep chanting?  There are no brown shirts, and no one is trying to silence Lew.  We are just here to correct the misconceptions he promotes that something nefarious is going on in Clark County. We are here to push back when he continues to malign good, solid conservatives and claim that they are up to no good. 

We welcome Lew's Support of Commissioner Madore.  We welcome Lew's analysis of the County Charter Change and the discussions it will engender.  We welcome Lew's support of ALL of our candidates.  This is the truly bizarre feature of this entire fiasco, that the people that Lew habitually insists on deriding, insulting, demonizing and vilifying actually AGREE with him on just about every policy point in local politics! We really don't understand what the hell his problem is, except that he has a strange visceral hatred for Ron Paul, and it's developed into some sort of psychotic paranoia. Instead of seeking common grounds of agreement, Lew has chosen to try to push a wedge into local politics and ensure that there will NEVER be any sort of reconciliation.  Cooler heads have encouraged Lew repeatedly in more subtle ways to dial this down, and for their effort they have been insulted and castigated and publicly ridiculed on Lew's forum.  Finally some of us have had enough, and we opened a forum that Lew can't control, and this has driven him apoplectic.

We have never sought a scorched earth policy.  All we want is for the mindless chanting about how evil the New Conservative activists in Clark County are to stop, for Lew to quit burning bridges and causing dissension, and for everyone to start working towards a common understanding of where the County should be guided in the years to come.

This forum has repeatedly challenged Mr. Waters to tell us exactly what policies have been enacted in the last two years that he materially disagrees with, and he has refused to discuss the topic.  Because there aren't any.  We've asked him define what he means by "extremist" and he has not done so, because he doesn't know.  It's chanting.  It doesn't need to be rational.

The fact is clear that Lew has more invested in his personal biases and misinformed opinions than he does in promoting actual grass roots conservatism.  We wish it weren't so, because he has a tremendous amount to offer the conservative community of Clark County.

As for the graphic he posted. . . well, that doesn't even warrant comment, it's so patently absurd. 

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