


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

One-note Lew Maintains his Tirade

The latest offering on Lew Waters' Facebook forum:

Vitriol?  Lew, who was running around calling people "Shit Smearers" and "Assholes"?   You're mighty brave behind that keyboard, sonny.  I wonder if your chickenhawk mouth is quite as loose face-to-face where you might get your ass kicked?

Underhanded acts?  At the risk of repeating myself, there is nothing underhanded about contacting fellow citizens in various precincts who share the same values and outrage at how the party has been run, and asking them if they have the time and are willing to step up to the plate and try to have a say in how their local party represents them.  And no, we don't have to file public records when we do so, and we don't have to ask permission from an out of the loop curmudgeon like yourself.

Destroy the Republican party?  Would that be the Republican party that you proudly left in disgust four years ago?  What do you actually know about it, then?  Given the progress that's been made in Clark County in the GOP in the last two years, the only person I see destroying anything is you destroying every shred of credibility you ever developed.

Careful how far you're willing to stretch to drive home your point and still maintain your already precarious hold on reality, old fellow.

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