


Sunday, August 10, 2014

Lew Waters goes to War!

Yesterday we took Lew to task about his divisive and disparaging words concerning the newly elected candidate for State Representative seat to district 49, Lisa Ross.  We briefly reviewed the history of the players in this drama, and analyzed why the results went the way they did.  Then we called to Lew to keep his mouth off fellow Republicans, and at least observe the basic manners his Mother apparently didn't teach him, that if you can't say anything nice, say nothing at all.

A little more history, for those who don't want to read through the chain of discourse on this blog:  Lew is a bully.  He has a potentially very valuable voice in exposing the insanity that passes for the Democratic platform, but he has a couple of prejudicial blind spots as well.  He has his mouthpiece, through his blog, and is used to pontificating in an echo chamber, unwilling to engage someone in a debate on ideas. He routinely steers the discussion on his blog by editing or outright deleting dissenting opinions, and instead of engaging arguments on their merit, he very quickly turns to ad hominem attacks to try to bolster his case.

The reaction we got from Lew most recently is more of the same. Since he was unable to address our analysis of why Lisa prevailed over Carolyn, we assume that our analysis is stipulated. No, Lew can't debate an idea on its merits, IT'S TIME TO GO TO WAR!

Well, this is news.  So now you're a full-blown enemy? What's changed, Lew? With statements like you made against the candidate going forward in November, with friends like you, who needs enemies?  Don't you know the Columbian is just lapping up your rhetoric: "Conservative columnist Lew Waters publicly states that Candidate Lisa Ross is unqualified!"

Lew continues to have problems with targeting friend or foe.  This blog is not endorsed by, approved by or supported in any way by the Republican Party of Clark County.  We at LWW are just private citizens like Lew who are tired of seeing him use his pulpit to promote lies and misinformation under the guise of amateur journalism, and we've chosen to be a counterpoint voice to balance his rants. 

I'm still waiting for Lew to explain why Carolyn was more qualified, and why a nonviable candidate beat her so handily.  Given Lew's track record and inability to debate instead pontificate, I suspect we shouldn't hold our breath.

"Nazi tactics?"  That makes me giggle.  So telling the truth, providing a reasoned discourse and *gasp* having the audacity to disagree with the Lew Waters in a public forum that he has no control over makes one a "Nazi?"  Get a grip, Lew.  If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.  If you start flinging mud, don't cry when you get spattered.  We stopped last time because it looked like you were about to have an aneurysm. It's in your power this time to stop it any time you want.  Just quit giving us softballs that we can so easily swat out of the park.

So Lew makes the conscious and public decision to be a divisive force to damage the Republican party

Oh, and by the way, Maria, you should know that the Columbian piece on the PCO election was feeding off of the irrelevant lies that Lew promoted in his blog.  The Columbian is perfectly willing to have a circle jerk with Lew if it suits their agenda to discredit the Republican party.  And Lew is having so much fun getting jerked off he lost sight of the fact that it was the printed mouthpiece of the Democrat party doing it.  If you promote yourself as "The Clark County Conservative" and the Columbian picks up your byline, you know you've screwed up somewhere.

So I pop over to Lew's blog to see how things are shaping up, and Lew actually posted my comment!  He deleted the link to this site, which I guess made him feel like he was sort of in control.  Here's the exchange:

I really don't care what you need, old man.  You pop off in the market place of ideas, don't get your panties in a wad because someone takes you to task for saying something stupid in public.  What's pissing you off is that you're being engaged in a forum where you don't control the microphone, and you can't handle it.

Your ego is over-riding your common sense, and getting in the way of accomplishing your goal.  Act like an adult instead of petulant child for a change.

Madore is in no way affiliated with LWW.  Never even met the man, and I guarantee you he's as clueless as you are about The Watch, and has as little influence.  Keep fishing.

Copyright doesn't extend to satire.  Dial back your rhetoric against your allies, and we'll be glad to go back to sleep and return to pretty pictures of airplanes.  Keep bad-mouthing other Republicans under the guise of "Clark County Conservative"  and we''ll keep exposing you for the irrelevant loony you seem so determined to become.

Here's what you can expect:  Every time you shoot your mouth off about the Republican party in public, demonstrating your extreme ignorance and trying to be a divisive force, we will be there, we will be watching, and we'll correct you and the record and we won't do it gently.  People will be watching, and it will be plain to see who's thinking and engaging and who's reacting and mindlessly flailing for relevancy.

We at the watch care little for your friendship, we've never really been a fan. If you want to continue to be an irresponsible ass with a blog, we'll counterpoint your nonsense in detail.  If you want to start acting like a responsible journalist and contact people like Kenny Smith, Jack McClary, Lisa Ross and Anson Service and see what you can do to promote conservatism in Clark County, instead of impede it, and don't give us any stupidity that we feel needs to be countered, then we'll happily find other pursuits.

There's an old Indian saying that within each of us lives two wolves.  One is hatred and fear and anger.  The other is love and confidence and serenity.  Which wolf will control you?  The one you feed.

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