


Sunday, August 10, 2014

Lew Continues to try to Find a Target

When we first started LWW, there was discussion of whether we should be up front with who we are or whether we should stay anonymous.   It was a difficult decision, but we went the way we did because Lew's prime weapon in his arsenal is to identify his critics, and then silence or marginalize them with heated ad hominem attacks.  Basically he uses his position as The Clark County Conservative to just bury his detractors in mud. So we made a tactical decision to not give him the target on which to use his favorite - and it turns out his only - weapon.

Not that Lew doesn't keep trying, God bless him. . .

Well, Lew since we obviously couldn't trust you to endorse or back Lisa in the first place, what exactly have we lost here?  Ummmmm. . . .nothing.  Need I remind you who it was who  disparagingly called Mrs. Ross, "an inexperienced novice?"  Once again, Lew demonstrates that he can dish it out, but can't take it.

You can trust ALL the candidates, Lew, because the cover on LWW is so deep, NONE of them have a clue. You're not the only Veteran in Clark County, old man, and some of us remember the basic lessons of OPSEC.

You also need to loosen the tinfoil hat.  No one is attacking you.  We here at LWW are merely heaping scorn and derision on patently silly statements and ideas.  If you are so closely associated with your silly statements and ideas that you can't discern the difference between an attack on your idea and an attack on your person, then you really should find another endeavor.  Public discourse doesn't seem to suit you.

Word of advice from an experienced troll to another:  quit fishing, and quit flailing trying to identify who your "attacker" is.  You won't do it, you can't do it, and all you will do is alienate everyone around you in your paranoia.  Man up and address the issues head on, and if you aren't able to do so then sit down and shut up.  It's really undignified watching you reacting to shadows.

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