


Monday, August 11, 2014

Lew Crosses the Line of Acceptable Behavior.

Just when you think you've seen the depths of this man's psychosis and anger issues, he comes out and reveals that his problems are far worse than anyone imagined.

For the record (again), Lew Waters Watch is not endorsed by or affiliated with any candidate or group.  The sole purpose of this site is to offer a reality check and a counterpoint to a self-appointed bloviater who insists on being a divisive and disruptive force in local conservative politics.  Lew's paranoia informs him that this must be associated with the Lisa Ross campaign.  No, this is associated with Truth.  We here at LWW would be just as critical if the situation were reversed, if Lew was a supporter of Lisa Ross, and spoke badly about Carolyn Crain had she won.  It's not about candidates, you old fool, it's about so-called conservatives back-stabbing their fellow conservatives, and thereby handing a win to the left.

Lew insinuates that voters will leave Lisa because The Watch is critical of Lew's comments. Lew, in light of your earlier commentary about Lisa, this should thrill you to death, then!  But I think you vastly overestimate your meager and waning influence on politics in this area.  The present level of juvenile insanity you're exhibiting is just showing more people how toxic you really are. 

This last post just floored me.  Seriously, I didn't think even Lew Waters, Clark County Conservative, was stupid enough to insinuate that Lisa Ross sleeps around. Talk about a lack of class.  This sort of vile, ignorant, hateful, foul aspersion makes me just want to go take a shower, lest the stink cling to me.  Not content to fling dried up old shit in any direction, Lew pulls a fresh, steaming load right out of his ass and flings it with due intent at any target of opportunity that presents itself to assuage his bruised ego.

I fear this time Lew's hippopotamus mouth may have overloaded his hummingbird ass. Did Lew just sign his death warrant?

Now, we at Lew Waters watch do not advocate violence, but if anyone - like, say, Mr. Ross or Lisa Ross' father - would like to pay Lew a visit and explain very clearly to him in no uncertain terms what is and is not acceptable in the realm of public political discourse, Lew's home address is:

8803 NE 19th Ct.
Vancouver, WA 98665

Really, man, you have crossed the bounds of acceptability here, and sealed your position of irrelevancy in the public forum henceforth.  If you had a shred of decency you would issue a public and heartfelt apology to Lisa Ross for such a crass and indecent suggestion, and to Conservatives in general for being associated with anyone who would make such a disgusting accusation.

You should be ashamed.

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