


Monday, August 25, 2014

Brown Shirts and Paulbots and Liberals, oh my!

Lew Waters continues to grouse about the fact that people have the right to challenge his foolishness in public:

We at Lew Waters Watch aren't interested in get Lew to align with us.  And calling a public speaker to task on factually incorrect things he says is not berating, smearing or lying. No one has called Lew Waters a Shit-smearer like he called Frank Decker, nor has anyone suggested that Lew sleeps around, like he suggested that one of the candidates for State legislature does.

No one is smearing Lew.  He's perfectly capable of doing that without our help.  We're just calling attention to it when he does.

Is Lew feeling a little paranoid?  It seems so:

We're scratching our heads over how a public repudiation and disavowal of violence constitutes a threat.  Oh, perhaps the advice we gave made Lew think we were suggesting something.  Let's put this in context:

Don't play in the freeway.  You might get hit by a car.  Just some friendly advice that everyone should heed.

Don't wash your face in sulphuric acid.  It's not really good for your complexion.  Just some friendly advice that everyone should heed.

These are not threats, they're just practical advice for avoiding trouble. Maybe Lew's upbringing didn't school him on what constitutes acceptable public behavior.

I'm not aware of any "Department" of the sheriff.  I know there's a Sheriff's Office.

Seriously folks, if you're contemplating violence or vandalism or any sort of overt display, don't. Just don't.

Lew then indulges in flights of fancy, twisting simple truths to fit his  strange world view, and making up outright lies.

No one "enlisted" Lisa Ross.  It is our understanding at LWW that Lisa made the decision to run on her own, without anyone in the office of the party encouraging her to do so. Has Lew actually interviewed Lisa and discovered the actual decision process she went through to choose to run?  Of course not!  Why bother with journalistic integrity and objectivity when you can create the news to fit your agenda?

We at LWW are familiar with the canvassing efforts and grass-roots door knocking.  We are absolutely sure that no one suggested that Carolyn is not a conservative, nor was there a suggestion that signs be replaced. There is nothing unethical about discussing the relative merits of one candidate over another with one's neighbors. This is politics at its most basic level. For someone who screams "brownshirts!" at the drop of a pin, Lew seems to be awfully quick to try to silence people who disagree with him, and to impugn the motives of those who publicly support their favored candidates.  Lew's insinuations here are an out and out lie, and evidence that his blog has nothing to do with journalism, but is just biased gossip based on wild speculation fueled by conspiracy theory paranoia.

To recap:
First of all, we have to understand that Lew Waters has a visceral, incoherent hatred for Ron Paul and anyone who endorses him. While it's perfectly rational to debate some of the more strange ideas of this group, Lew doesn't do debate, and insists that members of this group are minions of the Antichrist, dead-set on destroying America. 

First question that Lew assiduously fails to answer as he paints everyone who disagrees with him as Nazis and brownshirts:

1.   How does adhering to the letter of the Constitution, as Ron Paul supporters do, represent a threat to the nation?

This public push-back against Lew began when he manufactured a tempest in a teapot about normal political activity, spun it so it sounded like he was breaking a scoop about corruption in the Clark County Republican party, and his byline was picked up by a blogger for the Columbian newspaper.  What had Lew so worked up was that *gasp* people were actually contacting other like-minded people and encouraging them to become active in the local Republican party.

Oh, the horror.

Lew spun this to say that the Party was  trying to "secretly" stack the deck in favor of their agenda, using inflammatory insinuations to make it sound as if this was something entirely unethical, and borderline illegal.  Next thing you know he will be accusing the party of matriculating with thespians!

So a few more questions for Mr. Waters to address in his next blog:

2. Why is recruiting like-minded citizens to become active is not acceptable?

3. If we're not allowed to recruit like-minded individuals, who, then, are we allowed to recruit?

4. Please explain the charge that anything was done in secret. Can Lew Waters produce a legal requirement or party by-law that states that he be notified of all activities of any group of politically active people?

5. If you were to recruit someone in your neighborhood to be a precinct officer, would you not first try someone who most closely reflected your values and beliefs?

6. In 2012,  CCRP Chairman Ryan Hart was actively recruiting PCO candidates to try to counter the growing influence of Ron Paul supporters in the local Republican Party.  Why was this an acceptable act, but not if the PCO Liberty Alliance does the exact same thing?

The interesting thing is that while Lew was trying to manufacture a scandal out of thin air, an actual scandal was unfolding.  A WSRP operative from the Puget Sound area, Richard ‘Apollo’ Fuhriman, was taking PCO recruitment in Clark county seriously, to the point of actually filing for candidates without their knowledge or approval! In spite of smoking gun evidence of unethical malfeasance, Lew not only ignored it, but airily dismissed it.  He was too busy hunting "Paul-bots" to be concerned about what anyone was doing. The fact that his witch-hunt got noticed by the Columbian, who gleefully printed his conspiracy theory because it made the Republican party look bad and furthered the objective of the left-leaning newspaper, just validated Lew's vendetta.

Lew has labeled the caucus that currently controls the CCRP as "Radicals." More questions for Lew:

7.  How is working for a smaller, constitutional government by the people and for the people radical? 

8. Why is a dedication to fiscal responsibility radical?

9. Why is choosing our leadership rather than having it chosen for us by people who are not even part of our community radical?

10. Lew Waters has called the CCRP leadership "extremist."  Exactly what policies have been promoted at a local county level by ANYONE identified as a conservative that can be deemed "extremist"?

11. Lew has asserted that Ron Paul Libertarians have "snuck" [sic] into the party as PCO's. PCO is an elected position. How does one "sneak" into a party as a PCO?

12. Where are the requirements enumerated that Lew seems to think are necessary to be a member of the Republican party?

And one final question for the Clark County Conservative, if we may:

13. Will Lew Waters have the class to publicly apologize for insinuating in a moment of unbridled anger that Lisa Ross sleeps around, both to Mrs. Ross and to her male campaign workers who were implicated?

There we have thirteen questions for the Clark County Conservative which will promote a healthy discussion and hopefully clear away the fog of lies and obfuscation cast by someone with a vendetta and a blog.  Will these questions be answered, or will the answer be further accusations that someone is trying to silence Lew Waters?  How can asking pointed questions be construed as a nazi-like tactic to silence someone? 

The answers - or lack thereof - will show the measure of the man, and demonstrate the depth - or lack thereof - of his ability to discuss his ideas in an objective public forum. Can Lew Waters remain relevant without directly answering his critics on the merits of their arguments?

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