


Friday, May 30, 2014

Some simple questions.

Well, Lew and his wife are reading the blog, anyway.  They're quoting bits and pieces on Lew's facebook page, apparently to try to regain control of the dialog and try to paint us evil, corrupt, underhanded conservatives in some sort of bad light. I guess he doesn't have the nads to just post the links, so people can see the entire context of what they're quoting.  This is standard for Lew, but unfortunately, he doesn't control the forum. 

Come on, Lew.  You've been wordsmithing for long enough, you should be able to craft a coherent response without resorting to vulgarity.

Lew's also dropping depth charges, slandering whoever comes to mind, like Mr. David Hedrick, in the hopes that something floats to the surface and he can ID those of us behind Lew Waters Watch. Mom always told me that you make enough enemies by accident, you shouldn't go out and try to make more.

And poor Lea still insists that it's those dirty Paulians behind it all.  *Sigh* I guess some people just can't be reached.  And yes, Lew, I'm calling out your wife.  Anyone wants to get in the ring here shouldn't get upset if they get spattered.

But we've pretty much said everything there is to say on our end, and Lew is just repeating his chant. We're not going to get into the playground sand-kicking contest that Lew wants to get into to try to make us look like the big, mean people he seems to think we are.  I just have a couple of questions for Mr. Waters, to try and steer this little mud-slinging fiasco onto firmer ground. 

#1.  Since the Clark County Republican Party control effectively shifted to a grass roots conservative movement about a year and a half ago, a number of things have happened.  I would like Mr. Waters to please explain which of these things he thinks is the work of his version of the antichrist New Conservatives, and why he thinks it's been a disaster for the Republican party and conservatism:
 a) Defeating the disastrous Columbia River Crossing boondoggle, with Lew's welcome help
 b) Implementation of a new County GOP website
 c) Improved get out the vote effort using a contract call center
 d) The adoption of new analytical tools to increase understanding of voters and trends
 e) Increased the number of active PCOs. 
 f) Implementation of bylaws to decentralize power in the local party and ensure that the chairman cannot act unilaterally. 
 g) Record-breaking fund-raising Lincoln day dinner that doubled the previous record
 h) Implementing cost control measures
 i) Ending 2013 with a positive bank balance
 j) Instrumental in promoting the election of key figures, including Commissioner Madore.

I dunno, standing here with the sun in my eyes, I'd say these new fellas did pretty durn good.

Okay, question #2:
Lew has claimed that a corrupt, underhanded, secret plot was developed to "stack" PCO slots with people who were sympathetic to the New Clark County Conservatives.
a) Please explain the basis for this charge of corruption. 
b) While you're at it, explain why it's acceptable for the establishment wing of the party to the exact same thing, and not the new conservatives.
c) Explain why it's unethical to encourage citizens who share your values to become active in the public arena.
d) And explain why your position is not trying to disenfranchise those you seem to disagree with.

We won't even touch on the Apollo Fuhriman scandal.

So there you go, Lew.  Care to sharpen your pencil and address these questions?  I think they're legitimate, they're not attacking you.  Just seeking clarity in your thinking.  Will you give us a cogent answer?

Or will you continue to chant? 

Your response will speak volumes about how you deal with people who disagree with you  - or who you think disagree with you.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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