


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Lew has a Facebook tantrum

Recently posted on Lew Waters' Facebook page:

"Since i am now being told by a prominent member of the RepublicanLiberty Caucus, or whatever in the hell they call themselves, in Clark County, "you and the establishment puppeteers that pull your strings have reached the end of your relevancy in Clark County," all candidates that do not wish mine or my blogs support, please indicate below so I will be sure to not support you this election and can remove links to your websites from my sidebar.

Source: Facebook
I'm happy to oblige if any do not desire any support from me."

Well, Lew, if you would actually communicate with these people instead of standing on the sidelines throwing grenades, you would at least figure out what they call themselves. 

I really don't understand what kind of a thorn Lew has under his saddle about a group of people that he seems to never have actually communicated with.  Based on the insinuations and outright distortions of fact that Lew throws around on his blog, it's plain that he's never actually had a sit-down with anyone here and actually tried to have a meeting of minds about what he and they have in common and where they differ.  I'd be willing to bet that the gulf is neither as wide or as deep as Lew makes it out to be. 

So the question is:  Is Lew really an ideologue, one-note chorus  who feels it's "my way or the highway" for conservatism?  Or is he a shill for the "Business as usual" Republican party who places roadblocks in front of its selected delegates to ensure that they don't nominate anyone who hasn't been blessed by the establishment?

When a group of young, aware conservatives stands up in Clark County and declares that they don't like the way the old-guard Republicans are rigging the game to be sure the Democrats win, why does Lew automatically side with the RINOs to shout them down?

Judging by the content of the comments on the Clark County Conservative blog, I seriously doubt that anyone is reading it who doesn't already know the Clark political landscape, and who is aware of the divisive bullshit being propagated there to ensure that the Democrats remain firmly in control of the 49th and Olympia. No one reading this fishwrap is likely to be doing so to decide who to support.  I'm sure they've already made that decision long ago. Lew's vitriol against those who have the temerity to disagree with him does nothing more than provide comic relief as we watch a dinosaur Republican party get hysterical in its death throes. Does Lew really think his blog has an effect on Clark County elections? More evidence that he's becoming detached from reality and a legend in his own mind.

To the right is a screenshot of the discussion in progress.  I know people on both sides of this discussion, and it's clear to me that one side knows what's going on, and the other side is running scared, popping off at the mouth and unwilling to enter into a conversation with the other side.  This divisiveness has to stop, Lew.  Get with the program and figure out who the friendlies are.

And Carolyn Crain, For pity's sake, woman, the Republican party wouldn't give you the time of day two years ago, but now you're their fair-haired girl, because you aren't the evil, destabilizing REAL conservative who has a demonstrable track record of telling the Establishment to go to hell.  Where were you in the State convention two years ago?  I didn't see you there.  Lisa Ross was selected as the Santorum delegate to represent Clark County at the Republican National convention.  I daresay she probably knows a thing or two that you don't about how the Good Ol' Boy's rig the game so that only their anointed candidates get any support.  Since you were one of the prime victims of this egregious behavior two years ago, I find it hypocritical that you're snuggling up to them and pointing your finger at Lisa as if to say she's unqualified.

Meanwhile the Democrats sit back and laugh their asses off as you idiots tear the party apart.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy to see this new blog and to see more people are willing to stand up and call out the self-proclaimed CCGOP aristocracy on their lies and establishment propaganda. Thank you.

    Lew's FB post is just one more example of the lies and inaccuracies he continues to publish as truth and fact. The quote he uses were my words, which is fine. I'm more than happy to be quoted on anything I say or write. However, he starts it off by calling me a "Prominent member of the Republican Liberty Caucus". WTF? Fact check much, Lew? I've never even attended a single RLC meeting, you idiot. That's not to say I don't support what the RLC has done and will do, because I absolutely agree with the platform. This is just Lew’s feeble attempt to try and tie one person to a larger group in order to somehow justify his bitterness and hatred. Mind boggling.

    Here's the truth--I've met Lew Waters once. One time. I invited him to coffee during my campaign for City Council. Why? Because I needed information and to fill in some history gaps that I had as a candidate. I did the same thing with Carolyn, Hinton, and others. Plenty of people that supported my campaign would give me a wide-eyed look followed by a gasp when I told them about meeting with these people. I didn't care. I was in it to win it and was willing to source whomever I needed to, gather as much information as I could, then filter out the nonsense to get to what I could use to win. It's called campaigning. But for some reason, these elitists in the party felt as if because I contacted them for coffee that I somehow owed them my undying allegiance. Wrong.

    Lew and I have disagreed on exactly two issues: Teacher accountability with student test scores and the recent email about PCO recruitment. Because I disagreed with him openly and publically on just two issues and the fact that caucused for Ron Paul, he has labeled me a “shit smear” that has no “class”. A quick search of Lew’s previous blog articles will reveal that he hasn’t even used that level of demeaning terminology on the likes of Leavitt, Moeller, or even any of the CRC shills. Call me nuts, but I think that says a lot about the man.
