


Monday, November 18, 2019

Kickin' it Rent-Free!

Honestly, in between political campaign seasons, we here at LWW don't even think about old Lew very much.  He's got his meager little echo chamber soap-box over on Facistbook, now that he's removed everyone that disagrees with him and could embarrass him by pulling the curtain back on his hypocrisy and his tenuous grip on reality. He's really not in much of a position to actually do any damage to conservatism in SW Washington with his ignorant name calling and lies at this point int he campaign cycle.  It's not like the Columbian is picking up his lies and running them as a byline when they have Carolyn Crain feeding them whatever dirt she can invent about the Chairman who beat her for control of the party.  Honestly, we go months without even thinking about him, because we prefer to live in a nice world, where people can get along and exchange ideas freely.

But it was brought to our attention that we're apparently living rent-free in old Lew's head.  This just tickles us to no end, since we can get under the old fraud's skin without even doing anything!  So apparently Lew is concerned that we might have an opinion about the newly resurrected CRC.  We've been hearing a lot about this lately, but the strange thing is that never once did we think to ourselves, "I hope old Lew weighs in on this!"

Nope, Lew.  Not our circus, not our monkeys.  We have excellent people like John Ley who add a dash of reason to the insanity that is the CRC, so no effort is necessary on our part.  This is, in fact, a problem without a solution.  Adding new bridge capacity will do exactly zero towards relieving the congestion on the existing bridges, it will only increase traffic to newly opened commercial corridors wherever the new bridges land.  There's no acceptable design to replace the existing I-5 bridge, because the design requirements are mutually exclusive.  There are things that can be done to mitigate the existing traffic problem, but no one is interested in hearing those because they're not sexy enough.  There are some very good solutions, but they require thinking way outside the box, and have far too many unknowns associated with them to be acceptable to politicians.

There's the usual lies about the bridge being inadequate for a Cascadia earthquake.  Trust me, the I-5 bridge is one of the most solidly built structures in the area.  It's be the last thing standing when the big one hits.

Replacing the or correcting the design flaws of the bridge doesn't address the problem of inadequate highway infrastructure through downtown Portland.

But on the whole, they're gonna do what they're gonna do. They try to dress it up like a bridge, but in reality it's just a fleecing of the taxpayers. Lew Waters Watch isn't a community advocacy outlet.  Our sole raison d'etre is to heap scorn and ridicule on an old buffoon when he starts trying to do material damage to the conservative movement in Southwest Washington with his lies, ignorant prejudices and hate-filled propaganda.  On the whole, Lew does a pretty good job of highlighting things that citizens need to be concerned about; he's not all bad. On issues that don't involve local personalities who have at some time or another offended the old goat, he's usually spot-on.  If he could learn to distinguish friend from foe and get over the fact that just because people sometimes disagree with him doesn't mean that they're the anti-Christ, he'd be a positive voice for SW Washington.

But we're mighty glad to know the old fraud is thinking about us.  We've accomplished our purpose.

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