


Saturday, June 11, 2016

Lew Acknowledges "The Watch."

The watch hasn't been getting much publicity, to tell the truth.  In fact, the hits we're getting here suggest that the only people reading it are Lew and his boot-licking sycophants.  That's fine. But Lew just can't leave sleeping dogs lie.  That someone will disagree with him and he can't silence him just eats at him.  He wakes up in a bad mood because of it.  It's ruining his life. So he tries to strike back in the only pathetic way he can:

So we're going to take this apart, piece by piece:

First, let us render honors to the opening question: "Is this what is now being taught down at the Church of Madore?"

"Church of Madore" Oh, that's a good one.  Because no one who disagrees with Lew has the mental horsepower to think for themselves, they must be getting their marching orders from some Dark Lord of Evil.

"That somehow, showing compassion to people losing their job and may struggle to feed their children has become unchristian?"

This is typical Lew Waters.  Take something that was said by someone you have the hate on. Ignore the content of what was said, and invent something that was never said, but that you would have liked them to have said so you could beat on it, then go ahead and beat on it.  Lew is complaining that David Madore's comments on the downsizing of the Columbian fishwrap wasn't "compassionate."  Nothing David said was derogatory or even associated with the poor people who lost their jobs. It was a pure opinion that linked the demise of the paper to its editorial bias. Analyzing a business failure has nothing to do with compassion or lack thereof, save that such an analysis can be used to prevent further disaster, if the editorial board is in a listening mood. 

But Lew has the hate on for Madore, so it doesn't matter what Madore says, Lew will find fault with it.  

"I'd sure like to know what Bible David Madore teaches his worshipers from that they are forbidden to be compassionate to their fellow man and any that do express any compassion towards others should be ridiculed."

No one's not being compassionate, you old fool.  This discussion had nothing to do with the people who lost their jobs.  Get a grip, and stop badgering people to conform to the Church of Lew Waters.  For someone who bitches so much about other people supposedly trying to tell him what to say, Lew sure spends an awful lot of time trying to tell other people what to say.

Then the usual suspects showed up to stroke Lew's delicate ego:

"Anybody not in lock-step with them and Madore is traitorous in their eyes"

A little research reveals that Lew's tendency to accuse others of that which he is obviously guilty is evidence of a sociopathLew routinely demonizes and accuses dissenters of treason. He will abuse them and if they stand up to him, he will silence them.  That is the whole reason this blog exists.

And of course, Carolyn pipes up with accusations of threats.  WTF?  No one threatened anyone.  Well, Lew has, but he's a sociopath, so it's expected.  Carolyn has a history of accusing people of threats, and has in the past stated outright a blatant lie that other PCO's threatened their neighbors if they didn't remove their Carolyn Crain campaign signs.  The woman is unhinged.  She and Lew should get a room.

No, Steve, we're mocking Lew.  We mocked Lew's original blog header, and he went to great lengths to have it removed because the third commandment of the Church of Lew is that Thou shall not use Lew's pictures. We did remove the picture we used unilaterally once or twice to de-escalate things, but Lew is a sociopath and refuses to de-escalate. So there you are.  We're mocking Lew.  If you think the wall is being mocked, then all we can say is that it's unintended collateral damage because of Lew's ego.  If Lew wants to honor the wall, he has the power to change his banner, and we'll mock that instead. If he thinks that wrapping himself in a flag, standing by the wall and crying, "Don't criticize me, I'm a veteran!" is going to excuse his egregious behavior, then he should think again.

"Must be I am quite relevant to them."

LOL!  No, not really. Lew is one of these guys that you play a game with that you tell him exactly what you're going to do beforehand, and he still loses because he refuses to believe what you say at face value. He's a consummate liar and dissembler, so he assumes everyone else is, too.  We at the watch have always been very clear about our purpose here, but Lew keeps grasping to find other meanings.

The reality is, Lew, is that it's kind of fun poking you.  We get a kick out of it, and you're just a nasty, vulgar old man anyway and kind of deserve it, so we don't feel bad in the least. And this is why you're never going to win this pissing contest: You care, and we don't.  This eats at you, it pisses you off, it ruins your sleep, it raises your blood pressure, and you can't hardly stand it, and we just laugh and high-five.  Every lame attempt you make to bolster your fragile ego against us calling out your bullshit just gives us more ammo. And it's even more hilarious that you can't seem to learn this, even when we tell you!

We at the watch have no idea if Madore is aware of this page or not. We really don't care if he approves or not. Back a couple of years ago it got to us through backchannels that he wanted it shut down and we just laughed. Apparently Lea must know Madore better than we do. The only thing pathetic is your insistence that we at the watch have anything to do with Madore or take direction from him.  Get a clue, folks. Target identification just isn't your strong point.

This blog was paid for by Lew Waters Watch.  It was not, never has been and never will be approved by David Madore.

1 comment:

  1. Lew Waters is nothing without social media. He observes events through a jaundiced eye and reports and distorts to suit his need for a relevancy rescue from an entirely unremarkable life. In the words of Mr. T, "I pity the fool." The mistake we make is to give a damn. I find it revealing that other seriously flawed fools like 'Smirk and Swagger' Crain fine comfort and cover in his vile aura.
