


Friday, May 27, 2016

Lew's Tantrum Continues

If you haven't been following Lew's latest public melt down, the other day David Madore made an erroneous post that suggested that Jeannie Stewart was a disappointment because of a vote by the JPACT.  Lew posted a rant about it in Southwest Washington Opinions because, according to him, a Columbian article said that Stewart said she wasn't even there. That's a lot of people, who don't have any love for Madore, saying stuff.  A reasonable suggestion was made that a request for the meeting attendance had been requested, and maybe everyone could withhold judgment until objective evidence was available. No, that was unacceptable to Lew, who loves nothing better than a target at which to sling feces - unless they sling back, of course.  He claimed that the suggestion was effectively calling Stewart a liar and petulantly said that he didn't have to stay quiet, effectively that he had a right to be an asshole.

When his being an ass was called out publicly, in true Lew Waters form, he abused his administrative power, and blocked that person from the discussion, along with anyone who objected to his abuse of power.  The Metro council did respond with an attendance sheet, which was posted on Madore's site to inform him of his error.  Lew stole that post and paraded it triumphantly, conveniently neglecting to mention that it came from the very person he blocked. 

Madore intervened and reinstated the blocked people.  Lew blocked them again, and it developed into a game of whack-a-mole, with bets on the side to see how fast Waters would block someone once they were let back in. Poor Lew lost sleep, because it was his honor-bound duty to watch the membership and delete any miscreants when they were added.

Finally, Bill Cismar figuratively clipped Lew upside the head and told him to knock it off. This was unacceptable, because the Wrath of Lew must be discharged! Simply blocking the miscreants from his feed was inadequate and kind of passive aggressive.  No, Lew Waters doesn't get mad, he gets even! So he unleashed this pearl:

Politics is rough, with no quarter given or expected. It's not dumping on, lying about or back-stabbing
someone to call them out on their public actions. In this case a mistake was made, and when it was discovered, the offending statement was retracted, and an apology was given and accepted by the aggrieved party. Lew would have us believe that Madore simply said, "Oops, sorry about that," and went on as if nothing happened.  This is not the case, Madore's apology was public, thorough and heartfelt. I really don't know what more Lew wanted.  Should Madore sever a finger as a symbol of his penitence?  Perhaps Lew would like it better if Madore took a seat center stage of City Hall and commit ritual seppuku?

As far as smearing or defaming any in disagreement with him, oh, the irony! This is Lew's default setting, as anyone who has ever disagreed with him knows.  He complains that Madore's public apology is inadequate, but the world still waits for Lew to apologize to Frank Decker for calling him a shit-smearer, or to Lisa Ross and her family for publicly suggesting that she sleeps with her campaign staff and supporters. "I'm sorry" is simply not in Lew's vocabulary.

What this basically amounts to is Lew's tantrum was shut off before it ran its course, and he's going to lash out in his usual style and cover whoever he sees responsible with feces as a result.  To hell with principle.  To hell with conservatism. To hell with using an otherwise reasonably useful personal news blog for a personal vendetta! To hell with the fact that Madore stands for smaller government and an end to corruption in the county government - all of which Lew is for.  Madore crossed him and challenged his authority and for that his life is forfeit.  Madore must die - or whatever fate can reasonably be extracted by a butthurt old man with a blog.

Then he cries that they go on the attack and keep attacking.  Sort of like he does, but he hates it when it's done to him. Dude, quit providing softballs and we'll quit hitting them out of the park! It's too much to expect you to disagree with reason and logic, since you never have to date. So you can start acting like an adult and quit giving us juicy material to castigate you with.  Or continue your temper tantrum, and we'll be right here, giving helpful suggestions.  My niece is of the opinion that if you kick your arms and legs harder, scream louder, and maybe hold your breath until you turn blue, it might work.  Give it a try.

The tragedy is that Lew's stuff, when he stays objective, is pretty good and worth reading.  His damn ego just gets in the way, and he has to vent off his childish tantrums in full public view when someone makes him angry - which isn't difficult. Usually he manages to hide the bodies by just silencing the people he bullies, but that doesn't always work. All it takes is one instance of this sort of instability to ruin the reputation of an otherwise stellar political blogger.

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