


Friday, July 1, 2016

Lew Stands Still and Stirs the Hatred

We’ve more or less been ignoring Lew lately because life happens and working for a living has greater rewards than spotlighting Lew’s idiocy. But our attention was drawn to his latest nonsense, so we’re obligated to once again analyze the strange worldview of Lew.

Lew’s relevancy continues to circle the drain, and for some strange reason he felt it necessary to publicly justify his extreme paranoia and lack of honest friends on his blog. There’s a working theory that writing this sort of self-effacing nonsense is cathartic for Lew, and solidifies his self-justification for his irrational behavior. We at Lew Water’s Watch consider it a public service to hold the man to be honest to himself about why none of his “friends” are honest enough to disagree with him when he’s wrong or misinformed. Until he recognizes that people can disagree and still be on your side, he will continue to sink into irrelevancy as his list of perceived backstabbers and traitors grows until it encompasses all of Clark County.

So let’s wade into his latest nonsense. . .

Clark County has become a microcosm of the bitter political divide seen throughout America as fringe elements on both sides of the aisle duke it out for control and more power in their hands to rule over us.

Uh, not really, Lew. I suppose you would see a real conservative as a fringe element in your dotage. The actual struggle in Clark county is between elements who do want to “rule over us” as you say, and those who want smaller, more responsible government that avoids interfering with the lives of citizens as much as possible. This second group is the group we assumed Lew would be on the side of, but there’s one problem with this group that Lew can’t wrap his one-dimensional mind around: there are *gasp* Ron Paul supporters in this group!

Yep, there you have it. This and this alone is the source of all of Lew’s hatred, paranoia and delusions. It’s complicated by Lew’s unyielding inability to tolerate differing opinions in public discourse, but that’s the nub of it. 

But that isn’t what our country was founded to be. I was taught that we were to be a shining example of diverse views meeting in the middle to hammer out disagreements and agree on solutions that would best benefit all, not just one side or the other.

Quite right, Lew. Then please explain why it is that you will refuse to discourse in any forum in which you do not control access. Explain to us why it is that whenever anyone deigns to publicly disagree with you, you respond, not with facts, logic and data, but with ad hominem attacks and eventually using your administrative powers to silence and eventually remove the person disagreeing with you? The only solution you will allow in your little public echo chambers are the ones YOU disagree with. That’s hardly the spirit of the thing you espouse, is it?

Although I initially opposed it, we saw an effort at undoing such control by passing a home rule charter that stripped one such demagogue, David Madore, of the dictatorial powers he was exercising over the County once he was elected to the County Commission.

“Dictatorial powers?” Oh, that’s rich. Madore implemented mechanisms to comply with the Open and Public Meetings laws in spirit as well as in detail, putting in place an excellent system, The Grid, to allow common citizens full access to the decisions being made by our elected officials. He spearheaded efforts to purge the County of a corrupt and bloated bureaucracy, make the county more business friendly and defend property rights of the citizens. Madore encouraged public debate and made sure that all points of view were heard. Hardly dictatorial. The only reason Lew makes these absurd accusations is because he got his panties in a wad when someone on the CRC opposition campaign – a campaign that Lew supported - used a video of Lew’s without attribution. In spite of a public apology, Lew never got over this and had the hate on for Madore ever since. Seems Madore made the unforgivable gaffe of actually legislating in this county without consulting with the Clark County Conservative on every issue.

Needless to say, that has not set well with either him or his merry little band of supporters, henchmen if you will as they seek to marginalize, silence or destroy any voices speaking up in opposition to Madore’s bullying efforts.

Lew wants his own “henchmen”, I suppose. No one is seeking to marginalize anyone, Lew. It’s not marginalizing someone to point out flaws in their logic, errors in their argument or when they’re just flat out wrong or lying. Madore doesn’t bully, he just does what he sees as right for the County and the citizens. He doesn’t have a personal agenda and doesn’t use his position as a vehicle for vengeance.

This is really a funny statement coming from someone whose sole response to a disagreement is to marginalize those with different opinions, silence them and then embark on a scorched earth campaign of personal destruction if they don’t be good and stay quiet. It’s so ironic that a bully like Lew complains of being bullied.

This blog and its author became a prime target of the group of Madore miscreants two years ago when it was revealed that his minions controlling the Clark County Republican Party were scheming to stack PCO slots to solidify their control. In one fell swoop, gone was Reagan’s notion of a “big tent party” as diverse views were shouted down and only those agreeable to the party hierarchy and Madore were heard.

*Sigh* Lew sticks to his trope at all costs, because the truth is just too bitter to contemplate: Lew was full of shit then and remains full of shit. In the first place, Lew Waters Watch was started without any affiliation to David Madore. Lew’s insistence to the contrary is an outright lie, but it suits him to see conspiracies when the reality is that some private citizens just got tired of his bullshit and lies and decided to push back.

The “scheme” to “stack” PCO slots was nothing more than PCO’s calling friends in other precincts and encouraging them to run for precinct committee officer. Of course, if you are going to recruit people into politics, you’re going to try to find people who share your beliefs. The idiotic thing about Lew’s conniption fit about this is that he had it at the same time that actual shenanigans were being carried out by the State Republican establishment, where Clark County citizens were being registered as PCO candidates without their knowledge or permission from an IP address in Tukwila. This didn’t seem to bother Lew in the slightest, because they were the “right” kind of Republicans to Lew. What a crock of shit.

Unfortunately, some I once considered a friend seemed to have joined in after being called upon by Madore. I assume he is being paid well for it, but that is neither here nor there.

No one is being paid to call attention to your idiocy, old man. You’re not nearly as important as you would like to think. You’re just an annoying flea who needs to be scratched occasionally.

Lew then posts a public comment by David Madore back in January asking Kelly Hinton to try to bridge the divisiveness created by Lew and his gossamer ego. Madore correctly identifies Lew as a gifted writer, but that's wasted on Lew. Lew publicly supports and endorses the very principles that Madore puts into practice, but because Lew thinks Madore crossed him once upon a time, Christ and three other responsible witnesses can’t change Lew’s hateful opinion of Madore.

Shortly after Madore copied me this ‘nastygram,” I began noticing more and more that where Kelly and I had once not confronted each other when we disagreed, he began dogging me on facebook and here to confront me on many issues I wrote about. This was especially so when I expressed my no longer supporting Madore or that I supported Republicans he despises, such as Sen. Ann Rivers.

That was a nastygram? A nastygram would have read something like, “Hey Kelly, what can you do to shut up that asshole Lew Waters?” Madore doesn’t do nastygrams. The rest of Lew’s soliloquy here is a window into a very troubled, paranoid soul. Lew needs our prayers, folks, to deal with his demons.

For reasons unknown, I won’t dwell on the rumors I’ve heard, he chose to shelve his blog, but comments left on this blog became more like his usual rambling blog posts, complete with the vitriol and acerbic language he is known for.

We at the Watch won’t presume to speak for Kelly Hinton, but if I were to hazard a guess, I would say Kelly realized he was devoting too much of his life at tilting at windmills and getting fired up dealing with people who weren’t worthy of his point of view. Hinton is a classic debater personality, and experienced debaters know that sometimes you have to step out of the arena if you see it turning you into something you don’t want to be.

It’s laughable that Lew makes sideways comments about “rambling blog posts, complete with the vitriol and acerbic language.” Gee, have you read your own shit, Lew? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. The difference between Hinton and Lew – and Lew hates this – is that Hinton’s position, whether you agree with it or not, is backed up with data, logic and facts. Disagree with Hinton, and you better have your act together, because he will BURY you in facts to support his position. Lew lacks the mental horsepower to distinguish between a well-reasoned disagreement and a personal attack.

Growing tired of his confrontational and insulting antics here, it was let known that his comments would no longer be approved, much like he has done on his own blog over the years and that apparently didn’t set well with him as he launched an insulting post within a closed group on facebook, along with congratulatory comments left by other miscreants of the Madore Klan.

Translation: “Kelly disagreed with me, he brought facts and figures to the disagreement, so I blocked his ignorant ass.” Kelly then did what any debater does when a bully like Lew silences him in a public discussion: He took it to a forum that Lew didn’t control, which, as we all know, just pisses Lew the hell off (that’s the purpose of this blog, if you will recall). Hey Lew, if telling the truth is insulting, then you are the insult.

Today, he launches away with another, presumably taking exception to my assessment of the 18th Legislative District campaigns and support of Sen. Ann Rivers.

Oh noes! Someone brought facts, data and experience to counter Lew Water’s bullshit again! The horror! 

I’ve lost count now of how many times I have read from them that I am just a “bitter old man in my waning years” and “completely irrelevant,” yet the Madore Klan seems unable to move away, exerting efforts to either marginalize or silence me.

It’s no effort to marginalize you Lew. We just have to shine the light of truth on your bitter, irrelevant, self-effacing nonsense, and let you do all the work. Perhaps, and this is just a suggestion, if you would quit acting like a bitter old man in your waning years, maintaining a hate list for everyone who ever had the temerity to cross you or disagree with you, and allow open and public dialog on your ideas when you spew them into the ether, then people wouldn’t be motivated to call you out.

Ain’t gonna work, boys.

Yeah. You’re too wedded to your false narrative, and incapable of admitting when you get something wrong.

Lew then goes on with a video of Ann Rivers complaining that people actually noticed when she reneged on her campaign promises and voted to pass the gas tax, and juxtaposed it with an out of context clip of Mark Engleman taking a stand against the corruption endemic to the establishment bureaucracy in the county. This is the sort of corruption that Lew also decried when he was against the CRC in concert with Engleman, but Engleman disagreed with Lew once, so now he’s apparently in league with the forces of darkness.

Do we continue with Madore’s divisive tactics as he works to solidify his power over the county from a minority position?

If the alternative is rolling over and letting a corrupt county government legislate against private property rights, strip citizens of their freedoms and raise your taxes to fund ill-conceived agendas, all in the name of unity, then yes, we’ll continue to be divisive.

Do we allow his goon squad to run roughshod over others and intimidate citizens and elected officials alike to impose Madore’s dictatorial rule over all?

If by running roughshod over other, you mean calling out lies, misinformation and propaganda with truth, facts and logic, in the interest of fair and transparent government that answers to citizens, then yes, please.

America became a great nation, not by dividing itself into factions or imposing one-sided rule over all, but by reaching out, enlisting diverse views and arriving at solutions to best benefit all.

Great. You first, you pompous old windbag. Why don’t you show some good faith to these high words and stop censoring and shutting down disagreeing opinions in your public excretions?

No, we didn’t always get everything we may want, no one ever does. But that is no reason to act like spoiled brats and throwing tantrums. Especially when the one you throw the tantrum against isn’t a candidate for office and you have repeatedly deemed them to be so “irrelevant.”

Word from a person who insists that it’s his way or the highway, who acts like a spoiled brat, throws a tantrum and blocks disagreeing points of view when they defeat him with facts and logic. The bully cries when he thinks he’s bullied.  Pathetic.

The time has come to take a stand and oust those like Madore and the ilk he attracts that works endlessly from the shadows to divide us and exercise his rule over us.


Now is the time to “filet him open like a carp, figuratively” and see him for what he really is, just another cold hearted, power hungry charlatan.

What a crick of shit. Anyone who has objectively examined Madore’s record, both personal and professional, knows that Lew has simply lost his friggin’ mind here.

We must ignore all of the seething hatred emanating from the Madore boot lickers and vote in people that are reasonable and willing to work together for the good of all, not just their small club of Brown Shirts.
We must ignore the irrational hatred of Lew and his establishment sycophants who carry their personal vendettas and childish grudges into the political arena because they are bitter and unable to work towards a common goal unless they get to define every aspect of the narrative.

Hate away, Madorons, the rest of us choose to move forward.

Yeah, that’s why you just filled a blog post with 800 words of hate and vitriol aimed at someone who wants nothing more than to work with you towards common goals.  Go crawl back under whatever rock you climbed out of, Lew, the adults aren’t buying your bullshit.

This blog was paid for by Lew Waters Watch.  It was not, never has been and never will be approved by David Madore.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Lew is getting paranoid - again or still?

Lew heard a rumor of a rumor and decided to use his finely honed journalistic skills to whip up a tempest in a teapot.  Two years ago, Lew started seeing boojums and snarks behind every tree when he exposed the shocking scandal that Republican PCO's were recruiting people with the same political ideology as they had! 

This is so borderline psycho that soon I expect we'll be hearing Lew rant about Chemtrails and HAARP.

Now, in another shocking revelation, it seems that according to Lew, Republican Party leaders actually have OPINIONS!  Oh, the horror!  I present his latest twaddle in its full nonsensical glory.

First of all, Lew, being the consummate coward, declines to identify who it is who is supposed to have said this, where and when they said it, or to whom they said it.  Who are these mysterious people who may have said this? Who is this nefarious "Executive Committee" working in the shadows to undermine the very foundation of our liberty?

Chairman  Kenny Smith
Vice Chairman  Lisa Ross
State Committeman Christian Berrigan
State Committwoman Katja Delavar
Secretary Mary Sue Davis
Treasurer Alan Svehaug
LD14 Director Piper McEwen
LD17 Chairman Vicki Kraft
LD18 Chairman John Anderson
LD20 Director Ron Fitch
LD49 Chairman Jim Johnson

Oh.  Never mind.  They're just folks, much like you and I.  You can reach out to them, their contact information is freely available on the Clark County GOP website.

According to Lew, it seems that these folks are working directly to undermine the will of the people.  never mind that ALL PCO's are elected office holders, and that the Executive Committee was elected by popular vote by the general body of elected PCO's.  So they were elected TWICE.  But the will of the voters means nothing to Lew, who is dead-set on inventing a scandal when there's none readily available.

It doesn't matter to Lew that this group of evil, dark souls working behind the scenes oversaw the passage of local party bylaws which took power away from the executive committee and returned it where it belonged, with the body of PCO's.  Lew has never read the bylaws, and could care less.  Lew doesn't let trivial things like facts interfere with his nonsense.

No one is telling you how to vote you old goat.  But it sure doesn't stop you from trying to tell everyone else how to vote.  Oh, the hypocrisy!

Someone suggested it might be a false flag, and Lew discounted it.  Gotta wonder if this isn't a false flag on Lew's part.  We know he's traditionally been very selective in the "facts" he uses to justify his nonsense.

Then Lisa Ross, the Vice Chairman of this band of ne'er-do-wells, calls bullshit, and gets shouted down by the loonies:

They left her out.

No they didn't.

Well, facts be damned that's what I heard and it fits my hateful worldview, so I'm sticking to it!

 Then the oft-deranged Crain - you remember, she cares about you -  weighs in and says it was a "secret meeting."

No it wasn't.

Crain doubles down on loony and says they're very good at covert activity, but she has the secret decoder ring that makes her aware of their evil activities.

I think Carolyn's tinfoil hat is a bit too tight.

Tom Watson offered a bit of wisdom, but Crain was all over it, making sure that if we had any doubts about her mental instability that they would be dispelled:

Crain correctly observes that her bid for State representative will end in failure. But then blames the nefarious executive committee for "withholding" necessary campaign information.  This is unbelievable, and just demonstrates Crain's inability to work and play well with others.

Carolyn Crain may well be one of the targets of the CCRP's vetting procedure, to prevent people from running under the Republican banner who do not support the local Republican party.  Crain attempted to organize a boycott of the 2015 annual Lincoln Day dinner, which is the largest single fundraiser of the year, and is one of the charter members of the faux "Republican of Clark County"  a thinly veiled PAC designed to appear to those who aren't versed in the details of local politics as if it was a legitimate, elected mouthpiece of the Republican party.  This PAC endorsed candidates that had been repudiated by the Central Committee, and carried on a number of other activities to make themselves appear to be the rightful county Republican party, with complete disregard to the elected central committee. With this sort of egregiously divisive behavior, it boggles the mind that she should complain that the party questions her standing to run as a Republican, as she clearly doesn't represent the Clark County Republican Party.

This blog was paid for by Lew Waters Watch.  It was not, never has been and never will be approved by David Madore.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Lew's Mewls from his Safe Space.

"Abusive and manipulative behavior." 

Ironic, isn't it?  A pumped up little loudmouth pontificates on his backwater blog.  He routinely shits on people whether they deserve it or not, and refuses to allow a dissenting opinion to his slander.  Should anyone have the temerity to disagree with them, he removes them from the discussion and censors their posts to only allow those that agree with him.  Once he realizes the power this ability gives him, he loses all sense of responsibility and feels confident in posting whatever nonsense suits his fancy, regardless of its accuracy or resemblance to reality.

Lew exhibits an apparent compulsive disorder which causes him to pigeonhole people into categories. Years ago, the grass-roots conservatives of this county threw the establishment out of power and rewrote the rules to remove power from the executive committee. Lew would have been all over this movement, except *gasp* there were Ron Paul supporters involved. Lew thinks Ron Paul is the antichrist and so knee jerk branded everyone involved as Ron Paul supporters and basically declared war on the whole movement.  Like I've said, Lew's not a fan of facts when they get in the way of his narrative. 

Lew compulsiveness and black and white mentality were demonstrated again when David Madore used a video off a public source in an anti-CRC ad.  The video was one of Lew's, and Lew agreed with the anti-CRC movement, but he got his panties in a wad, because is was his video.  This was enough for him to put the hate on Madore, and ever since then he's just looked for excuses to confirm his paranoid suspicions. He blames Madore for this blog, even though Madore has nothing to do with it and doesn't even approve of it, for all we know. 

Do no harm, but take no shit.  But Lew blows a gasket when that rule is used when he's the one throwing people shit.  Kinda like this blog.

This blog was paid for by Lew Waters Watch.  It was not, never has been and never will be approved by David Madore.

Lew Acknowledges "The Watch."

The watch hasn't been getting much publicity, to tell the truth.  In fact, the hits we're getting here suggest that the only people reading it are Lew and his boot-licking sycophants.  That's fine. But Lew just can't leave sleeping dogs lie.  That someone will disagree with him and he can't silence him just eats at him.  He wakes up in a bad mood because of it.  It's ruining his life. So he tries to strike back in the only pathetic way he can:

So we're going to take this apart, piece by piece:

First, let us render honors to the opening question: "Is this what is now being taught down at the Church of Madore?"

"Church of Madore" Oh, that's a good one.  Because no one who disagrees with Lew has the mental horsepower to think for themselves, they must be getting their marching orders from some Dark Lord of Evil.

"That somehow, showing compassion to people losing their job and may struggle to feed their children has become unchristian?"

This is typical Lew Waters.  Take something that was said by someone you have the hate on. Ignore the content of what was said, and invent something that was never said, but that you would have liked them to have said so you could beat on it, then go ahead and beat on it.  Lew is complaining that David Madore's comments on the downsizing of the Columbian fishwrap wasn't "compassionate."  Nothing David said was derogatory or even associated with the poor people who lost their jobs. It was a pure opinion that linked the demise of the paper to its editorial bias. Analyzing a business failure has nothing to do with compassion or lack thereof, save that such an analysis can be used to prevent further disaster, if the editorial board is in a listening mood. 

But Lew has the hate on for Madore, so it doesn't matter what Madore says, Lew will find fault with it.  

"I'd sure like to know what Bible David Madore teaches his worshipers from that they are forbidden to be compassionate to their fellow man and any that do express any compassion towards others should be ridiculed."

No one's not being compassionate, you old fool.  This discussion had nothing to do with the people who lost their jobs.  Get a grip, and stop badgering people to conform to the Church of Lew Waters.  For someone who bitches so much about other people supposedly trying to tell him what to say, Lew sure spends an awful lot of time trying to tell other people what to say.

Then the usual suspects showed up to stroke Lew's delicate ego:

"Anybody not in lock-step with them and Madore is traitorous in their eyes"

A little research reveals that Lew's tendency to accuse others of that which he is obviously guilty is evidence of a sociopathLew routinely demonizes and accuses dissenters of treason. He will abuse them and if they stand up to him, he will silence them.  That is the whole reason this blog exists.

And of course, Carolyn pipes up with accusations of threats.  WTF?  No one threatened anyone.  Well, Lew has, but he's a sociopath, so it's expected.  Carolyn has a history of accusing people of threats, and has in the past stated outright a blatant lie that other PCO's threatened their neighbors if they didn't remove their Carolyn Crain campaign signs.  The woman is unhinged.  She and Lew should get a room.

No, Steve, we're mocking Lew.  We mocked Lew's original blog header, and he went to great lengths to have it removed because the third commandment of the Church of Lew is that Thou shall not use Lew's pictures. We did remove the picture we used unilaterally once or twice to de-escalate things, but Lew is a sociopath and refuses to de-escalate. So there you are.  We're mocking Lew.  If you think the wall is being mocked, then all we can say is that it's unintended collateral damage because of Lew's ego.  If Lew wants to honor the wall, he has the power to change his banner, and we'll mock that instead. If he thinks that wrapping himself in a flag, standing by the wall and crying, "Don't criticize me, I'm a veteran!" is going to excuse his egregious behavior, then he should think again.

"Must be I am quite relevant to them."

LOL!  No, not really. Lew is one of these guys that you play a game with that you tell him exactly what you're going to do beforehand, and he still loses because he refuses to believe what you say at face value. He's a consummate liar and dissembler, so he assumes everyone else is, too.  We at the watch have always been very clear about our purpose here, but Lew keeps grasping to find other meanings.

The reality is, Lew, is that it's kind of fun poking you.  We get a kick out of it, and you're just a nasty, vulgar old man anyway and kind of deserve it, so we don't feel bad in the least. And this is why you're never going to win this pissing contest: You care, and we don't.  This eats at you, it pisses you off, it ruins your sleep, it raises your blood pressure, and you can't hardly stand it, and we just laugh and high-five.  Every lame attempt you make to bolster your fragile ego against us calling out your bullshit just gives us more ammo. And it's even more hilarious that you can't seem to learn this, even when we tell you!

We at the watch have no idea if Madore is aware of this page or not. We really don't care if he approves or not. Back a couple of years ago it got to us through backchannels that he wanted it shut down and we just laughed. Apparently Lea must know Madore better than we do. The only thing pathetic is your insistence that we at the watch have anything to do with Madore or take direction from him.  Get a clue, folks. Target identification just isn't your strong point.

This blog was paid for by Lew Waters Watch.  It was not, never has been and never will be approved by David Madore.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Lew Gets all Holy

Lew had a sad day.  The local fishwrap is laying off people.  This discourages Lew, because every now and then he randomly sets his sights on other conservatives in Clark County on his blog, and when he does, the Columbian gleefully picks up the byline and runs with it as if it's actual journalism.  This gives Lew legitimacy among the liberals and faux establishment conservatives, which tickles him pink, and the fishwrap gets legitimacy by confirming their anti conservative stance with another source.  It's just a giant circle-jerk of legitimacy.

Some citizens weighed in on social media and pointed out that maybe  if the Columbian didn't lean so hard to the left in everything it does it wouldn't in in danger of falling down. Of course, in a society which is based on fake boobs, fake food and fake money, nothing gets the hate going like a dose of reality, and the hate-fest flowed.  Lew swung into this affair, stating that ". . . it saddens me even more to see so-called conservatives, Madorons in reality, expressing such glee and spewing vitriol towards her, as if she [Katie Gillespie] has anything to do with running the paper."

Lew has a new word for anyone who doesn't subscribe to his brand of reality: "Madorons." Well done, Lew, you're living up to your liberal masters expectations, employing Rule 5 from Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. But your ridicule is meaningless, coming as it does from someone ridiculous. There was nothing in the discussion that expressed "glee."  There was just a simple observation that the Columbian is hardly a "watchdog," as Gillespie termed it, but a mouthpiece for the local democratic party. Gillespie isn't innocent in this, as her byline is frequently biased to the left, towards bigger, bloated government, higher spending, higher taxes and general incompetence. Some of her stuff has been pretty good, but it doesn't excuse the stuff that isn't.  It's hardly vitriol to point out the truth, that the Columbian is not an objective, unbiased news source, and is floundering financially partially as a result of this, and the loss of respect it's earned from the community. 

It would be in everybody's best interest to see the Columbian return to objective, "just the facts" journalism.  The community would benefit, and the paper's demise would be slowed.  But it's unlikely. No one takes pleasure at seeing people lose their jobs. But the marketplace is the ultimate arbiter of value, and the marketplace seems to put a discount on what the Columbian is peddling. None of the employees at the Columbian should have been surprised by this, and I'm sure they will do fine in the long run, as they move to new careers that more effectively address what the Market demands. It's been the experience of this author that unemployment is a temporary condition that usually results in better opportunities. 

But Lew was just getting warmed up.  David Madore posted a personal observation that (correctly) detailed some of the things that exacerbated the Columbian's difficulties. He summed up why the market is rejecting the Columbian's flavor of journalism. Lew gets all high and mighty and starts quoting scripture from Matthew 5:43-48. Nothing David said was a personal attack, or derogatory.  It was constructive criticism.  Look, Lew, when an alcoholic loses his job because he's a drunk, you don't put your arm around him and say, "That's tough, buddy, have a drink!"  No, you get real with him and say, "Look, stop drinking, it's ruining your life!"  This is what Madore was doing, giving the Columbian's owners and editors some tough love:  Stop pandering to the politicians that promote your leftist agenda, stop lying and smearing politicians you disagree with.  Tell the news, fair and balanced, present the facts, and try to give equal ink to both sides, and you wouldn't have these problems.

For Lew to suddenly get Jesus and start quoting the Bible is a laugh and a half.  Maybe Lew wouldn't come across as such a vindictive, hateful old bastard if he paid more attention to Ephesians 4:31. Maybe Lew should have considered Proverbs 6:16-19 when he started spewing his vitriolic lies about PCO's committing the heinous crime of *gasp* recruiting people who were ideologically aligned with them. Maybe Lew should have cracked the good book and reflected on Leviticus 19:16 before he publicly suggested that Lisa Ross sleeps with her campaign staff.

Lew quoting Bible verses just puts me in a biblical frame of mind, and the first verse to come to mind in a situation like this is Matthew 12:34, "You brood of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak what is good? For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart. "

Carolyn Crain had to pipe up and demonstrate that she doesn't understand basic mathematics or Euclidean logic by stating that it wasn't illegal for the County Council to award the bid for the public notices to the Columbian, in spite of a smaller circulation and higher costs. Of course, Crain has no need to think about such proclamations: she's reactionary, seeing what her enemies do and then doing the opposite. The thing about Crain and Waters is that their list of enemies is constantly growing, and unless you're one of their boot-licking sycophants, your place on their shit list is just a matter of time. The amazing thing is that with this kind of public idiocy, Crain still deludes herself that she's a viable candidate for state representative. "I care about you!"  What a crock.  Only as long as you're in total agreement.

On a completely unrelated note, I ran across this today and felt it was a perfect commentary on Lew's propensity for silencing those who disagree with him, without which there would be no need for this blog.

This blog was paid for by Lew Waters Watch.  It was not, never has been and never will be approved by David Madore.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Paranoia will Destroy Ya

Well, at least Lew's not stuck on "Madore's boot licking goons" any more.  Methinks he's feeling a bit. . . .paranoid?

Don't flatter yourself, old man.  Whatever data you're getting this from -- hit counts per article, perhaps -- it ain't us.  It's nothing to pen a quick response to render appropriate derision one whatever verbal flatulence you offer up, but we hardly have time or inclination to wander through your narcissistic self indulgence to find nuggets to use against you.  First of all, it would be drinking through the fire hose - we don't possibly have the staff or bandwidth to refute all of your nonsense.  Second of all, we don't really care.  Perhaps someone else is curious? 

As far as leaving well enough alone. . . that's on you, chum.  Stop acting like a fascistic asshole, insulting anyone who disagrees with you and then censoring them and silencing them if they insult you back, and people will stop "picking" on you.

This blog was paid for by Lew Waters Watch.  It was not, never has been and never will be approved by David Madore.

Special thanks to Donald Trump, without whom we would not be able to spell
narcissistic correctly without consulting a dictionary.

The Bully Whines about Being Bullied.

Lew took a couple of days off, and quite frankly so did we.  But apparently the butthurt is still there. . .

The irony is that in his own little sandbox, Lew is the biggest bully around.  He routinely disparages and insults those who disagree with him.  He's demonstrably incapable of challenging an idea or difference of opinion on its merits, his default setting is to attack the person.  A few people put up with this, most just ignore him and leave, which is pretty much what we at Lew Waters watch did until the local mouthpiece for the Democratic party started running his bullshit accusations as real news, and we stepped in and decided to call him on his lies (We're talking about his oft-repeated insinuation of nefarious conduct when local Republican PCOs *gasp* recruited like minded people!)

Lew's standard response when any of his victims try to fight back is to silence them by removing them from the discussion, or censoring their responses, deleting anything that doesn't suit his little world view.  That's the reason for this blog, and the source of all of Lew's heartburn:  This is the forum where you can say whatever you want about Lew's nonsense, and he's helpless to stop you.

Lew gets a taste of his own medicine, and instead of being an adult and realizing that you reap what you sow, and that you should treat other people the way you want to be treated, he continues to demonstrate that his development apparently arrested at the age of 10, and that pouting, temper tantrums and vile threats are the solution when someone takes your bullying and shoves it down your throat.

He finishes up by suggesting he would knock some "bullies" flat on their asses.

Any time old man. Don't let your hippopotamus mouth overload your hummingbird ass. Of course if anything got physical, Lew's response would be to whine and cry, hide behind his veteran status, and press charges for assault when he got his ass whipped.

This blog was paid for by Lew Waters Watch.  It was not, never has been and never will be approved by David Madore.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Yawn. . . .Boring. . .

We weren't going to comment on this one at first, because it was just s political meme, and our purpose is to highlight Lew's nastiness and stupidity, not his politics.  Then he edited it and added the verbiage.

You're not fooling anyone, you old goat.  you were never a supporter of Madore.  You've had the hate-on for him ever since you got your panties in a twist because he found a video of yours on a public comment forum and used it in an anti-CRC spot - a cause that you supported. Doesn't matter if it's friendly fire, your fragile ego wouldn't stand for it.  Then you - wrongly - believed Madore had something to do with this call to honesty.  He didn't, he doesn't and he never will.  Just last year you insinuated that he invited you on a homosexual date, which may have been nothing but wishful thinking on your part.

And please, "boot licking goon squad?"  Step up your game, you old fart.  You're in the minor league now, not some sandbox.  You're boring us, and if you're boring us, you're certainly boring your sycophants. Show us your finely honed skill with the english language.  Make your insults *sparkle*.

This blog was paid for by Lew Waters Watch.  It was not, never has been and never will be approved by David Madore.

Lew Nails it

Lew's commentary on the two thirds vote is spot on.  The voters have expressed their desire many times and continue to be ignored by the entrenched power brokers in Olympia - much as the current Clark County Council majority ignores the wishes of the majority of the voters in Clark County.

To answer Collins Michael's comment, most decisions made by government requires a simple majority to pass.  But there are certain decisions that are of such import, and may adversely affect enough people, that the bar is raised to a 2/3's super majority.  This allows the governing body more confidence that what it's doing is correct and wise and in accordance with the will of the people. Taxation is one of these issues.

Hat tip to Lew Waters!

This blog was paid for by Lew Waters Watch.  It was not, never has been and never will be approved by David Madore.

Lew fills in the Gaps

Lew, without a shred of evidence to support it, continues to act like a dumbass and insist that this blog is the work of David Madore.  Of course, the blog still remains unnamed, so most people are scratching their heads and becoming increasingly sure that Lew has become deranged.

But in this missive, Lew provided a copy of a letter from David Madore to him that we at Lew Waters Watch were unaware of.  The letter is illuminating, and from it we can start to see why this nasty old goat thinks Madore has it in for him. Of course, nothing of the sort is the case, but those of us at LWW aren't nearly as nice as Madore is. Lew would have you believe that his hatred of Madore is something recent, but the evidence shows he's had a hate-on for Madore for a long time.

Last July, in a gesture of friendship, David invited Lew to see a movie.  Why anyone would want to see a movie with someone like Waters baffles us here, but there it is.  Lew says he declined the offer in a recent post that we commented on.  What he apparently neglected to mention is that he publicly claimed that a local politician that he would keep anonymous had propositioned him for a homosexual date.There's a lot of ways to analyze Lew's thinking that led him to make this claim, and they all point to the fact that he's just a sick fuck.

Two years ago, when Lew went off the rails and we at the Watch administered a correction that left him gibbering to himself in the corner, he was violently sure that Madore was behind it somehow, and casting aspersions in all directions trying to see what stuck.  He was just as wrong then as he is now; in fact Madore went to great lengths to find out who we were and shut it down, but we don't take orders from Madore or anyone else.

Madore's letter also reminds of the time Lew flipped his shit because Madore's anti-CRC team used one of hid videos that they lifted off a public comment forum.  Lew being the insecure little brownshirt that he is, threw a hissy, claiming that it was stolen from him. Never mind that when you post something in a public forum it becomes public property. Never mind that the video was being used in a cause that Lew supported. Teamwork and concessions are alien concepts to Lew, what's his is HIS! We just wish he would be more responsible with HIS stuff, including his opinions, and quit leaving it around stinking up the place for other people.

This reminder and previously unknown (at least to LWW) information about Lew's spiraling relationship with Madore just paints a consistent picture of a mentally unbalanced person who simply doesn't work and play well with other people. The only people Lew apparently gets along with consistently are those who mysteriously hold him in some sort of adulation and never ever disagree with him on any point. Once Lew has an idea in his head, no amount of reality is going to dislodge it, no matter how preposterous, and once Lew has you on his shit list, Christ and three other responsible witnesses can vouch for you and it won't cut it with Lew.

So to summarize, Lew called David Madore a thief, called him a liar and suggested he was behind this blog when he wasn't and then insinuated that Madore was a homosexual. Now he's convinced that Madore is behind this current call to intellectual honesty. But it's all Madore's fault, because. . . . reasons.  Get a grip, Lew.  Good will, courtesy, respect and good manners are concepts that are apparently completely foreign to you.

This blog was paid for by Lew Waters Watch.  It was not, never has been and never will be approved by David Madore.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Waters Endorses Blom

Big surprise, Lew Waters has officially endorsed John Blom for County Council.  This is probably appropriate, since Blom represents and is supported by the business as usual establishment crowd composed of such stalwarts as Jim Mains and Carolyn Crain.  So Waters has thrown the gauntlet before David Madore to do what he was probably going to do anyway.

Of course, in typical Waters fashion he missed and continues to miss the mark, because Madore has nothing to do with Water's ongoing inability to act like an idiot without having attention drawn to it, but we expect nothing less.

Lew of course takes an opportunity in his announcement to continue to whine about two highly insulting commentators that he kept booting and that David kept reinstating to a public comment forum. Lew can't even get that story right.  First, it was only one highly insulting commenter.  The second one just had the temerity to point out Lew's high-handed abuse of his position as administrator in starting a fight and then booting the guy he was fighting with. One does not argue with the Clark County Conservative in a forum that he controls!

Second, the highly insulting comment directed in Lew's direction didn't come out of nowhere.  Lew conveniently forgets that he started the acrimony by suggesting that someone was calling Stewart a liar, and when asked to just dial it back until an objective source could verify Stewart's attendance at a metro meeting, petulantly refused. In other words, generally acting like a douche, which is pretty much the default setting for Lew Waters.  Then, like a typical bully, when his misbehavior was challenged, he lost his effing mind.  And still hasn't regained it, by the looks of it.

David Madore was a supporting player in this drama, and has nothing to do with Lew's ongoing problems.  His current hate-on for David is a case of stepping on the dog's tail, getting bitten by the dog, and shooting the cat as retaliation.

No one sent any goons after you, Lew.  You called them down on yourself, and for some inexplicable reason, you continue to do so.  But please, by all means, be true to your inner ten year old and blame everyone in sight except the one person who's responsible for all this:  You.

This blog was paid for by Lew Waters Watch.  It was not, never has been and never will be approved by David Madore.

Look out! Lew's sharpened his knife!

When most people are taking this lovely weekend to get out and enjoy the weather and honor those who died in battle for our great country, Lew has his hate on, and is going after David Madore with every tool in his meager arsenal:

Never mind that David Madore isn't Lew's problem. Never mind that Lew seems oblivious to the fact that Madore has nothing to do with a few citizens who got tired of Lew's shit and gave some of it back to him. Lew has his narrative lodged firmly in his reptilian mind, and no amount of reality is going to sway him.

The post references a pathetic mash-up that Lew must have cobbled together in a sleep-deprived state.  The music alone is enough to set your teeth on edge, but I guess it's considered contemporary in the Waters' household.

We really don't care what Waters writes politically.  Everyone is fair game in the political arena, even David Madore.  But if you're going to make a case that Madore calls for people to not impugn the character of other elected officials and then does it himself, you might at least try to find some cases where he actually impugns someone's character, instead of criticizing their actions.

A few things, Lew:  Character is different from actions.
noun: character; plural noun: characters
the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.

Not once in any of the nonsense that Lew spewed forth did David impugn the mental and moral qualities of those he is criticizing.  What he was doing twas criticizing actions, not character, and his criticisms were on point and supported by objective evidence.

You might want to brush up on remedial english, old man, before you make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have.

This blog was paid for by Lew Waters Watch.  It was not, never has been and never will be approved by David Madore.

Lew keeps shooting. . .at the wrong target

It's really sad when a sad old man can't even figure out who his friends and enemies are. . .

Libel is a written or published defamatory statement. Truth is a defense against libel, but there is no truth to Lew's libelous insinuations. David Madore has no association to this blog, and as far as we know, no knowledge of it or what's in it.  This blog has no affiliation with Mr. Madore, and doesn't take orders from him or anyone else. We believe that Mr. Madore is a very forgiving person, based on his previous actions, but if I were him, I'd be hitting Lew Waters with a defamation lawsuit and challenging him to provide some proof that he has anything to do with this website.

The link goes to a message that David Madore apparently left on Lew's phone back in July 2015.  Why on earth anyone would want to go catch a movie with a surly old  goat like Lew simply baffles us, but hey, whatever floats your boat. I hardly think David has lost a moment of sleep worrying about Lew turning down his movie date.

We at Lew Waters Watch are wondering who the "boot licking goon squad" of Madore is.  Does he mean us?  ROFL! Not even close, Lew, but thanks for playing. This is one of your fundamental problems, old man.  You never could tell friend from foe. I guess you have to be a vicious bully to the people who more or less align with you, because the rest want nothing to do with you. Whatever hate-on you have for David completely misses the mark.

The funny thing about this latest dust-up with Lew is that Lew Waters Watch isn't getting that much publicity.  I'd hazard a guess that most of the hits are coming from Lew and his boot licking sycophants friends. He dare not refer to this site in any of his public rants, because that would just drive traffic here, and the last thing Lew wants is his silliness publicized more than it is.  His constant referring to "David Madore's boot licking goon squad" without any reference to what he's talking about just makes most people think he's completely lost it and has gone full paranoid. 

Lew offered up this gem in the most recent public dust-up:

Funny, Lew, that not the story we heard. I think it was you who was told to knock it off.  Emerson and Engleman were let back into the group almost immediately, and haven't done anything egregious since, but of course you bitched and whined for an apology and made some ridiculous statements that one of Emerson's posts about Trump was actually about you. Maybe you were the one who should be kicked out until you can be civil.  You ask is it hard to discuss things civilly, but this whole thing erupted because you insisted on smearing Madore when someone suggested we wait for facts, and then tried to say that person was calling Stewart a liar when he was doing nothing of the sort.  The only person who needs a lesson in civility is you, old man. Don't get your panties in a bunch just because someone got back in your face when you were rude and uncivil to them.

Official Disclaimer:  This site is not affiliated with David Madore in any way.  It does not coordinate with Mr. Madore, does not support or endorse Mr. Madore, and quite probably operates in spite of David's desire that it quit messing with Lew's head. This site is completely apolitical, although some of the contributors would probably be surprisingly aligned with Lew's world view, further evidence that Lew has an identification friend or foe problem.

Lew, we danced this dance before. You're not going to win. You hate this, it's eating at you, and you're not even going to break even. Is not worth what it's doing to your blood pressure. You can keep flailing around, but the only one getting hurt is you. If you don't want to be bullied online, then stop being a bully. Go back to attacking the real enemy with your incisive political commentary, and quit wasting your time here. Stop hitting yourself.  It's getting embarrassing.