


Sunday, June 12, 2016

Lew is getting paranoid - again or still?

Lew heard a rumor of a rumor and decided to use his finely honed journalistic skills to whip up a tempest in a teapot.  Two years ago, Lew started seeing boojums and snarks behind every tree when he exposed the shocking scandal that Republican PCO's were recruiting people with the same political ideology as they had! 

This is so borderline psycho that soon I expect we'll be hearing Lew rant about Chemtrails and HAARP.

Now, in another shocking revelation, it seems that according to Lew, Republican Party leaders actually have OPINIONS!  Oh, the horror!  I present his latest twaddle in its full nonsensical glory.

First of all, Lew, being the consummate coward, declines to identify who it is who is supposed to have said this, where and when they said it, or to whom they said it.  Who are these mysterious people who may have said this? Who is this nefarious "Executive Committee" working in the shadows to undermine the very foundation of our liberty?

Chairman  Kenny Smith
Vice Chairman  Lisa Ross
State Committeman Christian Berrigan
State Committwoman Katja Delavar
Secretary Mary Sue Davis
Treasurer Alan Svehaug
LD14 Director Piper McEwen
LD17 Chairman Vicki Kraft
LD18 Chairman John Anderson
LD20 Director Ron Fitch
LD49 Chairman Jim Johnson

Oh.  Never mind.  They're just folks, much like you and I.  You can reach out to them, their contact information is freely available on the Clark County GOP website.

According to Lew, it seems that these folks are working directly to undermine the will of the people.  never mind that ALL PCO's are elected office holders, and that the Executive Committee was elected by popular vote by the general body of elected PCO's.  So they were elected TWICE.  But the will of the voters means nothing to Lew, who is dead-set on inventing a scandal when there's none readily available.

It doesn't matter to Lew that this group of evil, dark souls working behind the scenes oversaw the passage of local party bylaws which took power away from the executive committee and returned it where it belonged, with the body of PCO's.  Lew has never read the bylaws, and could care less.  Lew doesn't let trivial things like facts interfere with his nonsense.

No one is telling you how to vote you old goat.  But it sure doesn't stop you from trying to tell everyone else how to vote.  Oh, the hypocrisy!

Someone suggested it might be a false flag, and Lew discounted it.  Gotta wonder if this isn't a false flag on Lew's part.  We know he's traditionally been very selective in the "facts" he uses to justify his nonsense.

Then Lisa Ross, the Vice Chairman of this band of ne'er-do-wells, calls bullshit, and gets shouted down by the loonies:

They left her out.

No they didn't.

Well, facts be damned that's what I heard and it fits my hateful worldview, so I'm sticking to it!

 Then the oft-deranged Crain - you remember, she cares about you -  weighs in and says it was a "secret meeting."

No it wasn't.

Crain doubles down on loony and says they're very good at covert activity, but she has the secret decoder ring that makes her aware of their evil activities.

I think Carolyn's tinfoil hat is a bit too tight.

Tom Watson offered a bit of wisdom, but Crain was all over it, making sure that if we had any doubts about her mental instability that they would be dispelled:

Crain correctly observes that her bid for State representative will end in failure. But then blames the nefarious executive committee for "withholding" necessary campaign information.  This is unbelievable, and just demonstrates Crain's inability to work and play well with others.

Carolyn Crain may well be one of the targets of the CCRP's vetting procedure, to prevent people from running under the Republican banner who do not support the local Republican party.  Crain attempted to organize a boycott of the 2015 annual Lincoln Day dinner, which is the largest single fundraiser of the year, and is one of the charter members of the faux "Republican of Clark County"  a thinly veiled PAC designed to appear to those who aren't versed in the details of local politics as if it was a legitimate, elected mouthpiece of the Republican party.  This PAC endorsed candidates that had been repudiated by the Central Committee, and carried on a number of other activities to make themselves appear to be the rightful county Republican party, with complete disregard to the elected central committee. With this sort of egregiously divisive behavior, it boggles the mind that she should complain that the party questions her standing to run as a Republican, as she clearly doesn't represent the Clark County Republican Party.

This blog was paid for by Lew Waters Watch.  It was not, never has been and never will be approved by David Madore.

1 comment:

  1. I was new to all of this political stuff and found myself elevated to the Executive Board with my election as 49th LD Chair. I have watched them operate closely, looking for dark intrigues and back room dealing. I will not stand for it, and will express so whenever there are questions of such. Not once, ever, did I hear them talking derogatorily about any person, much less those of us who got off their butts and volunteer many many hours. If anything, they have taken Fairness and Compassion to levels which actually inhibited any pet causes one might have. We simply can not "go there". We do our children no favor by acting as old juveniles. It is high time we realize how long it has been since we have heard Wise Elders speaking sage council. Indeed, it is incumbent that we aspire to give the kids just that: Wise Elders. You know, the WE word.
