


Saturday, May 28, 2016

Lew Continues to Erupt

Oh, my God, someone pointed out that Lew Waters can be a vicious bully and is having a tantrum and spewing hate because he didn't get his own way after someone called him a douche when he was being a douche.

Let's set a few things straight, for the record.  Lew Waters watch is not David Madore's "goon squad." When we first started about 2 years ago, it was to call attention to outright lies that Lew was pushing about the way PCO's were being recruited because the party had been taken over by *gasp* Ron Paul supporters. Now, usually we don't pay much attention to Lew when he starts spewing nonsense, but this particular rant got picked up by the mouthpiece of the Democratic party, the Columbian and ran as actual news. Madore had nothing to do with it then, in fact, he did his best to find out who we are and shut it down.  Madore has nothing to do with it now.  I can say confidently that Madore wishes Lew no ill will.  Of course, Lew sees a conspiracy behind every rock, and everyone looks suspicious when he starts getting push back.

No lies are being spread here, Lew. At least not by us. Just the facts, without your self-serving spin, and correcting your lies, insinuations and allegations.
  • You castigated Madore for criticizing Stewart.  That is a fact.Was he wrong in his criticism?  Yes, but that's irrelevant to the matter at hand.
  • Someone else suggested you dial it back until the reports that she wasn't there could be verified.  That is a fact. 
  • You proceeded to act like a douche and claim you didn't have to do anything, you have the right to be a nasty old bastard and call people names and no one can stop you.  Not in so many words, but the meaning was clear.  This is a fact. 
  • Your were publicly called a douche for acting like a douche.  This is fact.
  • You blocked the person who called you that - because how DARE someone call the Clark County Conservative a bad name!  This is also a fact. 
  • You blocked someone else for pointing out that you were acting high-handed.  This is also a fact.
  • You posted the Metro attendance record, lifted from a comment made be the very person you booted, without attribution.  This is a fact.
  • When an adult added them back, you spent an inordinate amount of time and effort to keep booting them out, to the point that it became comical.  This is a fact.
  • When you were told to knock it off, you whined that no one apologized to you, and weakly complained that someone's post about Trump was a double entendre directed at you. This is fact.
  • Unable to satisfy your anger at the proximate cause of your tantrum, you widened the scope and started flinging your feces at Madore.  This is fact.
So remind me again what it is exactly that we're lying about?  As far as smearing Lew, we really don't need that.  He's doing a fine job of it by himself.  All we do is shine a light on it and give it the respect it deserves.

We don't demand Lew do or write anything. He's perfectly welcome to keep being a nasty unhinged, vulgar curmudgeon. We really don't care.  The more he does, the more irrelevant he becomes, but that's his problem, not ours. Nor do we seek to "beat" him into submission. We're just holding the spotlight on his nonsense, he's the one beating  himself. He could make this stop in an instant by doing only one thing: Be Nice.  But we don't demand that of him, and in fact we recognize that it's probably beyond his ability to do so. We're rather fond of dismantling his tantrums, and we recognize that when challenged, Lew will always choose to double down on nasty and stupid. That's his choice. We're not to blame. 

So let's be perfectly clear, Lew Waters Watch is an independent effort by a few concerned citizens to expose an internet bully for what he is.  It's not a political blog - in fact, the views of the owners of this blog probably align very closely to those of Lew, when he's on his meds. It's not David Madore's blog, and we don't do David Madore's bidding, or anyone else's.  This blog is nothing but a celebration of the first amendment, and wouldn't even exist if Lew allowed the first amendment in his normal dealings with his public vowel movements.  The only reason this blog exists is to provide a counterpoint to Lew's sometimes strange public proclamations that's outside Lew's control. You see, if you say something Lew doesn't like in the comments of his political blog, they're deleted, and after awhile you're banned.  Same with facebook. Lew simply doesn't allow disagreement, especially when those who disagree with him come armed with such nefarious things as facts and logic. Since we can't have our say in forums under Lew's control, we chose to say it where he can't reach us. The lovely thing about the internet is that it gives everyone the ability to have their viewpoint heard, no matter how much Lew disagrees with it.

Sucks for the tyrant when he can't silence free men. Get a grip, Lew, and watch your blood pressure.  It's not healthy for a man of your age to become apoplectic.

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