


Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Lew's Meltdown Continues

A couple of weeks ago Looney Lew chose to pontificate on his barely read little page of hate again regarding the recent recall attempt of Clark County GOP Chairman Earl Bowerman.

First, he brands the party chair as part of the Alt-right, whatever that means.  

So what is the Alt-right group, Lew?  Would that be the group that demands ethical behavior of our elected officials and calls them to conform to the party's stated core values and party platform?  You know, the ones who actually walk the walk on conservative values, instead of giving belly rubs to the Democrats in return for meaningless legislative scraps? Or is it pretty much anyone who doesn't agree with your girlfriend Carolyn Crain?I actually can't find a fault with this statement.  It pretty much sums up Carolyn Crain in a nutshell.  She's repeatedly demonstrated that she's quite willing to burn the county party to the ground if she can't be in charge. She's subsequently admitted that she drafted the complaint on the part of Park Llafet.
Oh, Lew just can't resist using pejoratives to describe anyone who actually exercises critical thinking skills.  But come on, old man, calling people bots because they don't fall in lock step with your thinking -- in other words, be your bots?  Nothing like projecting your own shortcomings onto others.
Yes, imagine the chairman actually following the rules and bylaws!  Oh, the horror! The chairman was following the bylaws that stated that he presides over all central committee meetings. If you had an ounce of integrity, you would understand this, and recognize that the proper procedure would have been to allow him to open the meeting and conduct the role call, then entertain a motion to replace him as chair. As I recall, such a motion was made, and seconded, and was defeated by a counted vote. The votes of the PCOs were never overruled. He had two parliamentarians advising him, one of which was hired by the plaintiff in the proceedings, and nothing was done that was out of order without them bringing it to his attention.

The bylaws unequivocally state that the Legislative District chairs can recommend appointments of PCOs to vacant precincts, and the Chairman has the power to appoint those PCOs. There is nothing in the bylaws that specify any limits to when he can do this. There were recommendations to appoint PCO's to vacated precincts and the previous chair, David Gellatly, sat on them and refused to appoint them because they were his political antagonists. It cuts both ways, you uneducated old windbag.

It's amazing that you're still wedded to the idea that it was unconscionable that PCO's were recruited by the conservative, liberty-minded, responsible part of the party in 2014.  I mean, my god, what are we thinking, recruiting people who share our values? That's actually when we started this blog to counter your irresponsible bullshit. But then your girlfriend Carolyn Crain does the exact same thing in 2018, and that's okay, because you guys like stroking each other so much. Damn, son, is there a picture of you in the dictionary under hypocrite?

There was no one in that room who was unfamiliar with the subject matter.  Everyone had gotten a copy of Park Llafet's Carolyn Crain's complaints. Some folks decided it was all a waste of time, and made a motion to adjourn, and the majority agreed and ended the meeting.  Do you think if the subject matter had been presented and a vote taken the result would be any different?

What is it that Republicans stand for, Lew?  It's apparent that you endorse the Swell Old Boy Republican Establishment, which stands for crony capitalism, back-scratching and behind closed doors deals to pass legislation to further enrich the moneyed interests who buy and pay for these candidates, and to hell with the grass roots.  We know the Republican party you stand for, Lew, and we repudiate it.  The Clark County Republican party stands for the individual's rights, smaller, less intrusive government and fiscal responsibility. We know from your incessant vitriol that you cannot tolerate these concepts, so why do you keep calling yourself a conservative?

Yep, in record amounts, because donors have actual values, unlike your cadre which exists for the mindless pursuit of power and popularity to get their hands in the public trough for their own personal enrichment.  And the money they donate is going to pay down the fine that the previous chairman did nothing to pay off or mitigate, and will be going to staunchly conservative candidates who vow to actually act like conservative Republicans when they get in office, instead of Democrats masquerading as conservatives to win an election before they return to their nests on the left.

You're an embarrassment to the conservative movement, along with the useless RINO leftist candidates that you not only tolerate, but actively endorse.  The good news is that your "warnings" fall on deaf ears, because people have recognized your senile, intolerant bullshit and quit taking you seriously years ago.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Matthew 7:5

I'll be honest, we've not been paying much attention to Loony Lew as he slides into irrelevancy.  He's mostly been preoccupied in keeping dissenting opinions silent on his closed facebook group that he apparently hasn't had much time to actually write anything on his fantasy page that we lampoon.  But recent scan through his nonsense revealed this gem from last May:

I can only assume he's griping about the "Taliban wing" of the Clark County Republican party.  The hysterical thing about this is the caveat at the very bottom of his page:

Lew has time on his hands now because he's stomped so thoroughly on any opinion that offends him in his fading little facebook group that anyone interested in actually debating an issue has fled to more liberty minded groups, where unpopular opinions are debated and derided but never censored.  This group of his used to be a hotbed of discussion and debate, but as the other admins who kept loony Lew in check lost interest, it became his own little sanctum where he was free to delete any commentary that didn't reflect his world view. 
Of course, Crazy Caroline Crain had to weigh in:

Really, Carolyn?  Less than a month later, on June 20, 2019, you denied entry to five long time Republican party members to a state party sponsored “Activate” event, because you personally disagreed with their positions and considered them troublemakers for their regular criticism of your exclusionary tactics.  They were sitting precinct committee officers who had tickets to the event.

Hypocrites, one and all.