


Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Local Pundit Identifies Taliban in Clark County

So to bring you up to speed, The Clark County Establishment that has been controlling the local Republican party was narrowly defeated last Saturday.  After the delusional Carolyn Crain was savagely pounded in her quest for chairmanship of the party in the first round of voting, a run-off vote was conducted and the Conservative team of  Earl Bowerman and Brook Pell narrowly defeated the Establishment team of Barbie doll Stacie Jesser and Father-of-the-year Brian Gellatly.

It wasn't a clean sweep, as Joel Mattila hung onto his position as State Committeeman.  Apparently enough PCO's didn't see the hypocrisy of his pro-second amendment stance and the pathetic 911 call he made earlier this year because he was scared to meet with a group of people, because "they had guns." (Only one person in the group was armed, and he is well-known in the community to always be armed wherever he goes, and no one ever had a problem with it before.)

But Lew couldn't resist the chance to mend bridges and heal over old wounds:

Seriously, Lew?  You gotta be fucking kidding me!  Seriously?  You had to go there?  The "Taliban" wing?  Son, everyone has the right to be stupid, but you're abusing the privilege.

Let's recall that Lew has been a vocal champion of the recently removed David Gellatly chairmanship.

David Gellatly, who was nearly removed from his position for embezzling funds and writing large checks on behalf of the party without board approval.  He survived that because one LD chair was asleep at the switch and thoroughly confused.

David Gellatly, who filed a SLAPP (Strategic lawsuit against public participation) lawsuit against a PCO who exercised his first amendment right to free speech and protected political speech in an ill advised manner, with the express intent of ruining this man's life and quelling further public dissension.  (note that Washington does not have a SLAPP prohibition).

David Gellatly, who admitted in open court documents that he abused cocaine while sitting as chairman of the local Republican party.

David Gellatly, who worked with every fiber of his being to ensure that those whose opinions he disagreed with were silenced and frozen out of the party.

David Gellatly, who used the flimsiest excuses to refuse to comply with the legal requirement to open the books of his PAC as prescribed by elections law.

David Gellatly, who tried to get his own lawyer elected to the party treasurer position in order to hide his malfeasance.

Lew can't point at any such bad behavior on the part of the party faction he so hates, except the heinous crime of recruiting like-minded PCO's to run for office (kinda like what Carolyn Crain did this year, but she's his butt-buddy, so it's okay when she does it).  But the liberty caucus is the "Taliban."

Tell the doctor to up your meds, old man.

Of course this got out, and Bob Larimer lampooned Lew:

Now I'm a big Jeff Dunham fan, and Achmed the Dead Terrorist is just plain FUNNY, no matter how he'a applied.  It was the perfect rejoinder, showing how irrelevant Lew is, making light of him, and doing it in a tongue and cheek way.  No one takes Achmed seriously, because he's a frickin' hand puppet caricature!

Well, Lew has no sense of humor, and forgot that when you find you're in a hole, you need to stop digging.  He made the joke ten times funnier by responding:

Oooh, Bob invoked a hand puppet on Lew, so he's a DOMESTIC TERRORIST!

Of course Lew had to manfully challenge Bob to just try.  Completely missing the point that we're all over here laughing our asses off at his futile quest for relevance.

Of course, Crazy Carolyn Crain has to weigh in and stroke Lews fragile, shattered ego, as he so often strokes hers.  There's so much stroking going on between these two it's damn near obscene.

Wow.  Strong words coming from the one person who flatly refuses to cooperate on any level with anyone who has ever been perceived to have opposed her or even disagreed with her on the lightest pretext. From the Woman who created a shadow party for the county with the deliberate intent to fool the voters into thinking they were the legitimate, elected, Clark County Republican Party.  The woman who frequently staged walkouts to try to disrupt Central committee meetings when she didn't get he own way. Hypocrite, much, Carolyn?

Lew, it's *their*, not "there".

Nobody ever came after you out of spite, you nasty old goat.  You brought it on yourself when you were spreading hysterical lies about the perfidy of PCO's out recruiting like-minded individuals to run for office, and it was picked up by the local Democratian rag.  Oh, but this year Carolyn Crain did the exact same thing, but that's okay for some strange reason. Then you just kept doubling down on stupid to the point where it was like shooting fish in a barrel to poke holes in your lies, inconsistencies and pettiness. No one has ever tried to force you or anybody else to join our "hate cult."  We know you're a dead-ender and will never change. At issue is the fact that you take your stupidity public, and refuse to ever allow a public debate to take place to evaluate the nonsense you put forward in the marketplace of ideas.  So you could not and still cannot entertain a difference of opinion on any forum you control, and you will not engage in any forum you do not control. Why are you so butthurt when people choose to mock your idiocy on their own forums?  No one begrudges your opinion, you old fart.  Just have the balls to step up and defend your opinions against public scrutiny.  You can't and won't because your opinions are frequently indefensible

Yes, your military service has been ridiculed, because you tried to hide behind it.  You tried to turn your military service into a "get out of stupid free" card that would give you carte blanche to say whatever nonsense you wanted and have it be unimpeachable because, By God, you served!  Guess what, hypocrite?  So did many of the people you have used your public forum to malign, including David Madore, Frank Decker, Mark Engleman and Sean Emerson.  Where is your respect for their service, you pompous fraud?  Give me a break.

No, Lew, you're just not getting it.  We weren't attacking you or smearing you over that article.  We were pointing out the blatant hypocrisy and outright fucking lie when you had the balls to say to them, "What’s needed is to find a way to talk to each other. I’ve got firm convictions, firm principles. But at least be willing to listen to what other people have to say."

The next time you're willing to hear what other people have to say if they disagree with you will be the first.  Which is why you never appear except in forums where YOU control the microphone, and why you use your control to silence anyone who expresses a disagreement with your nonsense.  This blog, and the abuse you claim to suffer at its hands, would not exist if you had simply engaged people honestly in public forums, instead of silencing them and denying them their chance to disagree with you.

And, finally, Pretty boy David Gellatly has a question:

Not a fucking thing, little guy. He's a member of the community, and that's all the license he needs to offer his opinion on any topic. Something you never seemed to figure out in the two years you spent in search of the legacy that had been dropped in your lap, tied with a silver bow.

I would offer to take this blog down if Lew would dial back the unnecessary rhetoric a bit, clean out his block list and start allowing people to engage freely on the forums he controls without being censored when he doesn't like the answers.  But we tried that before, so we know that's not going to happen.  So, Lew, just keep saying stupid shit, and we'll keep pointing out why it's stupid here.