Lew's grumbling and grousing has managed to win national attention. Lew must have entered a contest or something, because the Wall Street Journal has recognized him as a "Fish out of Water."
"Lew Waters, 70, is a Vietnam veteran and retired auto technician living in Vancouver, Wash. Born and raised in the South, he says he has felt targeted many times for being a conservative in the Pacific Northwest. “I kind of feel like I have no representation,” he says."
Well, that's true enough. The national Kook party hasn't fielded any candidates, so Lew is definitely not being represented.
"Lew feels misunderstood by people on both sides of the political spectrum. “I’ve been called a far-right freak. The far right calls me a liberal.” And that, he says, has made him feel like an outsider in his own community."
I'm not going to speak to what the left calls you, but no one, to my knowledge, has called him a liberal. He's unwittingly done yeoman's work for the Liberal cause by undermining the conservative movement in Clark County with his ill-informed prejudices and summary judgments against any and all who might disagree with him on the slightest subject. I wouldn't call him a liberal, though, just a bitter old man who has a problem recognizing friends and foes, and who would rather support a dysfunctional Republican establishment rather than a real small-government conservative movement. If Lew feels like an outsider, it's because he's ostracized and silenced most everyone who shares his views because they may have disagreed with him on some point or other in the past. Lew has reaped what he has sown.
"What’s needed, Lew says, is to find a way to talk to each other. “I’ve got firm convictions, firm principles. But at least be willing to listen to what other people have to say."
HAH! that is an outrageous lie. I'm just shaking my head at the audacity of this fraud to say something like this!
Lew has never engaged in a discussion or conversation or debate in any forum that he does not exercise editorial control over. He has silenced and blocked literally everyone who has disagreed with him on any substantive topic for at least the last four years. This blog was created four years ago to counter the outrageous claims Lew was making on his personal political blog where no dissenting voices were ever given a chance to be heard.
The Facebook group, Southwest Washington Opinions, was once a vibrant discussion forum that allowed members of any political color to freely engage in debate and discussion. Things tended to sometimes get heated, and silly ideas were exposed for what they were and made fun of. Then someone got the bright idea of making Lew a moderator, and he started exercising his dictatorial control to remove and block anyone who became too effective at highlighting the flaws in his personal political beliefs. The group has since shriveled into a pathetic echo chamber where little of substance is ever discussed, and the remaining core members sit and grouse about how bad they're treated by those they have ostracized.
"It’s almost like our elected officials and the two major parties are just playing ‘get back’ on each other, you know. Never mind governing the country.”
I dunno, Lew says he's not represented, yet he observes politicians doing exactly what he does, playing "get back," instead of rationally discussing the problems at hand. Lew takes everything personally, and if you've offended him in the past in some way, you're definitively incapable of having a good idea or being able to contribute to a discussion in his mind. Lew's irrational paranoia made him a partisan ally of the left when he went on the warpath to unseat David Madore, who was arguably the most honorable and effective leader to have ever sat on the County Council. Lew's intolerance of dissenting views has alienated most of those with whom he would normally agree. The remaining Republicans that he hasn't alienated don't see politics as a vehicle to effect meaningful change to restore the constitutional balance and limits of government, they see it as a social club, useful for wielding power over those who aren't members of the club. Lew knows this is wrong, but he's inflexible and unwilling to recognize that he's been his own worst enemy for the last four years.