


Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Local Pundit Identifies Taliban in Clark County

So to bring you up to speed, The Clark County Establishment that has been controlling the local Republican party was narrowly defeated last Saturday.  After the delusional Carolyn Crain was savagely pounded in her quest for chairmanship of the party in the first round of voting, a run-off vote was conducted and the Conservative team of  Earl Bowerman and Brook Pell narrowly defeated the Establishment team of Barbie doll Stacie Jesser and Father-of-the-year Brian Gellatly.

It wasn't a clean sweep, as Joel Mattila hung onto his position as State Committeeman.  Apparently enough PCO's didn't see the hypocrisy of his pro-second amendment stance and the pathetic 911 call he made earlier this year because he was scared to meet with a group of people, because "they had guns." (Only one person in the group was armed, and he is well-known in the community to always be armed wherever he goes, and no one ever had a problem with it before.)

But Lew couldn't resist the chance to mend bridges and heal over old wounds:

Seriously, Lew?  You gotta be fucking kidding me!  Seriously?  You had to go there?  The "Taliban" wing?  Son, everyone has the right to be stupid, but you're abusing the privilege.

Let's recall that Lew has been a vocal champion of the recently removed David Gellatly chairmanship.

David Gellatly, who was nearly removed from his position for embezzling funds and writing large checks on behalf of the party without board approval.  He survived that because one LD chair was asleep at the switch and thoroughly confused.

David Gellatly, who filed a SLAPP (Strategic lawsuit against public participation) lawsuit against a PCO who exercised his first amendment right to free speech and protected political speech in an ill advised manner, with the express intent of ruining this man's life and quelling further public dissension.  (note that Washington does not have a SLAPP prohibition).

David Gellatly, who admitted in open court documents that he abused cocaine while sitting as chairman of the local Republican party.

David Gellatly, who worked with every fiber of his being to ensure that those whose opinions he disagreed with were silenced and frozen out of the party.

David Gellatly, who used the flimsiest excuses to refuse to comply with the legal requirement to open the books of his PAC as prescribed by elections law.

David Gellatly, who tried to get his own lawyer elected to the party treasurer position in order to hide his malfeasance.

Lew can't point at any such bad behavior on the part of the party faction he so hates, except the heinous crime of recruiting like-minded PCO's to run for office (kinda like what Carolyn Crain did this year, but she's his butt-buddy, so it's okay when she does it).  But the liberty caucus is the "Taliban."

Tell the doctor to up your meds, old man.

Of course this got out, and Bob Larimer lampooned Lew:

Now I'm a big Jeff Dunham fan, and Achmed the Dead Terrorist is just plain FUNNY, no matter how he'a applied.  It was the perfect rejoinder, showing how irrelevant Lew is, making light of him, and doing it in a tongue and cheek way.  No one takes Achmed seriously, because he's a frickin' hand puppet caricature!

Well, Lew has no sense of humor, and forgot that when you find you're in a hole, you need to stop digging.  He made the joke ten times funnier by responding:

Oooh, Bob invoked a hand puppet on Lew, so he's a DOMESTIC TERRORIST!

Of course Lew had to manfully challenge Bob to just try.  Completely missing the point that we're all over here laughing our asses off at his futile quest for relevance.

Of course, Crazy Carolyn Crain has to weigh in and stroke Lews fragile, shattered ego, as he so often strokes hers.  There's so much stroking going on between these two it's damn near obscene.

Wow.  Strong words coming from the one person who flatly refuses to cooperate on any level with anyone who has ever been perceived to have opposed her or even disagreed with her on the lightest pretext. From the Woman who created a shadow party for the county with the deliberate intent to fool the voters into thinking they were the legitimate, elected, Clark County Republican Party.  The woman who frequently staged walkouts to try to disrupt Central committee meetings when she didn't get he own way. Hypocrite, much, Carolyn?

Lew, it's *their*, not "there".

Nobody ever came after you out of spite, you nasty old goat.  You brought it on yourself when you were spreading hysterical lies about the perfidy of PCO's out recruiting like-minded individuals to run for office, and it was picked up by the local Democratian rag.  Oh, but this year Carolyn Crain did the exact same thing, but that's okay for some strange reason. Then you just kept doubling down on stupid to the point where it was like shooting fish in a barrel to poke holes in your lies, inconsistencies and pettiness. No one has ever tried to force you or anybody else to join our "hate cult."  We know you're a dead-ender and will never change. At issue is the fact that you take your stupidity public, and refuse to ever allow a public debate to take place to evaluate the nonsense you put forward in the marketplace of ideas.  So you could not and still cannot entertain a difference of opinion on any forum you control, and you will not engage in any forum you do not control. Why are you so butthurt when people choose to mock your idiocy on their own forums?  No one begrudges your opinion, you old fart.  Just have the balls to step up and defend your opinions against public scrutiny.  You can't and won't because your opinions are frequently indefensible

Yes, your military service has been ridiculed, because you tried to hide behind it.  You tried to turn your military service into a "get out of stupid free" card that would give you carte blanche to say whatever nonsense you wanted and have it be unimpeachable because, By God, you served!  Guess what, hypocrite?  So did many of the people you have used your public forum to malign, including David Madore, Frank Decker, Mark Engleman and Sean Emerson.  Where is your respect for their service, you pompous fraud?  Give me a break.

No, Lew, you're just not getting it.  We weren't attacking you or smearing you over that article.  We were pointing out the blatant hypocrisy and outright fucking lie when you had the balls to say to them, "What’s needed is to find a way to talk to each other. I’ve got firm convictions, firm principles. But at least be willing to listen to what other people have to say."

The next time you're willing to hear what other people have to say if they disagree with you will be the first.  Which is why you never appear except in forums where YOU control the microphone, and why you use your control to silence anyone who expresses a disagreement with your nonsense.  This blog, and the abuse you claim to suffer at its hands, would not exist if you had simply engaged people honestly in public forums, instead of silencing them and denying them their chance to disagree with you.

And, finally, Pretty boy David Gellatly has a question:

Not a fucking thing, little guy. He's a member of the community, and that's all the license he needs to offer his opinion on any topic. Something you never seemed to figure out in the two years you spent in search of the legacy that had been dropped in your lap, tied with a silver bow.

I would offer to take this blog down if Lew would dial back the unnecessary rhetoric a bit, clean out his block list and start allowing people to engage freely on the forums he controls without being censored when he doesn't like the answers.  But we tried that before, so we know that's not going to happen.  So, Lew, just keep saying stupid shit, and we'll keep pointing out why it's stupid here.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Lew Gets National Recognition

Lew's grumbling and grousing has managed to win national attention. Lew must have entered a contest or something, because the Wall Street Journal has recognized him as a "Fish out of Water."

"Lew Waters, 70, is a Vietnam veteran and retired auto technician living in Vancouver, Wash. Born and raised in the South, he says he has felt targeted many times for being a conservative in the Pacific Northwest. “I kind of feel like I have no representation,” he says."

Well, that's true enough.  The national Kook party hasn't fielded any candidates, so Lew is definitely not being represented.

"Lew feels misunderstood by people on both sides of the political spectrum. “I’ve been called a far-right freak. The far right calls me a liberal.” And that, he says, has made him feel like an outsider in his own community."

I'm not going to speak to what the left calls you, but no one, to my knowledge, has called him a liberal. He's unwittingly done yeoman's work for the Liberal cause by undermining the conservative movement in Clark County with his ill-informed prejudices and summary judgments against any and all who might disagree with him on the slightest subject.  I wouldn't call him a liberal, though, just a bitter old man who has a problem recognizing friends and foes, and who would rather support a dysfunctional Republican establishment rather than a real small-government conservative movement. If Lew feels like an outsider, it's because he's ostracized and silenced most everyone who shares his views because they may have disagreed with him on some point or other in the past. Lew has reaped what he has sown.

"What’s needed, Lew says, is to find a way to talk to each other. “I’ve got firm convictions, firm principles. But at least be willing to listen to what other people have to say."

HAH!  that is an outrageous lie.  I'm just shaking my head at the audacity of this fraud to say something like this!

Lew has never engaged in a discussion or conversation or debate in any forum that he does not exercise editorial control over.  He has silenced and blocked literally everyone who has disagreed with him on any substantive topic for at least the last four years.  This blog was created four years ago to counter the outrageous claims Lew was making on his personal political blog where no dissenting voices were ever given a chance to be heard.

The Facebook group, Southwest Washington Opinions, was once a vibrant discussion forum that allowed members of any political color to freely engage in debate and discussion.  Things tended to sometimes get heated, and silly ideas were exposed for what they were and made fun of.  Then someone got the bright idea of making Lew a moderator, and he started exercising his dictatorial control to remove and block anyone who became too effective at highlighting the flaws in his personal political beliefs.  The group has since shriveled into a pathetic echo chamber where little of substance is ever discussed, and the remaining core members sit and grouse about how bad they're treated by those they have ostracized. 

"It’s almost like our elected officials and the two major parties are just playing ‘get back’ on each other, you know. Never mind governing the country.”

I dunno, Lew says he's not represented, yet he observes politicians doing exactly what he does, playing "get back," instead of rationally discussing the problems at hand.  Lew takes everything personally, and if you've offended him in the past in some way, you're definitively incapable of having a good idea or being able to contribute to a discussion in his mind. Lew's irrational paranoia made him a partisan ally of the left when he went on the warpath to unseat David Madore, who was arguably the most honorable and effective leader to have ever sat on the County Council. Lew's intolerance of dissenting views has alienated most of those with whom he would normally agree.  The remaining Republicans that he hasn't alienated don't see politics as a vehicle to effect meaningful change to restore the constitutional balance and limits of government, they see it as a social club, useful for wielding power over those who aren't members of the club.  Lew knows this is wrong, but he's inflexible and unwilling to recognize that he's been his own worst enemy for the last four years.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

A Confederacy of Dunces

Ever since Lew’s ideological purge of anyone who dared question his bloviating, the discussion group of Southwest Washington Opinions has turned into an echo chamber for the terminally clueless.  What was once a vibrant and rambunctious forum where views could be offered and discussed across a wide variety of viewpoints has been turned into a temple of navel-gazers who pass judgment on that of which they know little or nothing, and then congratulate one another on their perspicacity.

Recently Thomas Higdon posted some incoherent mumbling about “Libertarians” taking over control of the local GOP and having the audacity to recruit like-minded people for public office. This, of course, tickled Lew’s funny bone, because just like all Democrats see Republicans as Archie Bunker, Lew sees all libertarians as Ron Paul.  And Lew hates Ron Paul, to the point where he become hysterically inarticulate when the subject is raised.

Then the thread got fun when Lew tossed this into the mix:

Once upon a time, Lew fancied himself a journalist, with a pathetic hope that his buddy Lou Brancaccio at the Columbian fish wrap would pick him up as an editorial columnist. Any responsible journalist would try to get a comment from the person in question, present both sides of the story, etc.  What are the odds Lew would do that?  None, of course, because any reality check might dampen the evil picture Lew is trying to paint. 

Crazy Carolyn Crain pops up and wants proof:

Of course, if Crazy Carolyn Crain and her cronies want to see things like this, they should quit blocking anyone who puts a reality check on their delusions, gossip and insinuations.

Steven Nelson is only too happy to oblige, but conveniently edits the post, leaving out a significant clip where David Gellatly is quoted absurdly informing that a candidate for the 17th LD chair is not allowed on the premises of the Clark County Republican Party Headquarters, because he has been “trespassed”.  (For the record, Gellatly claimed that the trespass order was arrived at by a unanimous vote of the executive committee in closed session.  The executive committee is not allowed to pass votes in closed session, those who were there unequivocally state that the vote was not unanimous, you cannot bar someone from a public meeting unless they are being disruptive at the moment, and no notice was given to the six individuals in question, nor a police report filed.)

But of course, Lew has no words addressing the absurdity of excluding a political candidate from a meeting where the election will take place. If this were one of Lew’s circle of cronies, this would be considered high treason and he would be shouting from the rooftops about the injustice. (It’s just politics when we do it.)

Then the county idiot Dino Ramzi throws his nonsense into the mix:

Uh, newsflash, Dino.  Second Amendment rights apply everywhere inside the United States of America.  The Clark County Republican Party does have the right to declare itself a gun-free zone on its private property, but has not, because the left would have a field day with that.  Can you imagine, the party that supports gun rights banning guns on its premises?  Anyway, guns, openly carried and concealed, are a common sight in Republican meetings, for a variety of reasons. 

Then Dino suggests that defamatory publicity be banned from the party.  Nice of him to pontificate on behalf of a party that he has repeatedly and publicly denied having anything to do with.  I wonder if he means all of the malicious gossip Lew and Carolyn pitched by the bale while Kenny Smith was chairman?  No, I suspect the issue of defamation would be determined by a star chamber composed of Lew, Carolyn and their like-minded sociopaths.

Of course, the next time Dr. Dino says anything that makes sense will be the first.

Then David Knight, one of the few remaining people in the group capable of clear thought, corrected Dino, and was promptly put in his place by Carolyn:

“Crazy People” Carolyn?  Oh, you mean that group of duly elected officers of the County Republican party who happen to disagree with your nonsense.  Blocking Republicans from office?  Carolyn seems to be talking about the 2015 meeting when the Central Committee voted to withhold endorsement of Marc Boldt in his race for the County Chair position.  Marc Boldt did not run as a Republican, he ran (and is running again) as “No Party Preference,” and was then and remains under party censure from his previous shenanigans while in government office.  Crain and her group of lickspittles staged a walkout from that meeting in an attempt to break the Quorum and stop the meeting.  Of course, in typical style, they didn’t leave one of their own in the meeting to make a quorum call, so even if they did have the numbers, it wouldn’t have mattered.

But even if you don’t think that was disruptive, Crazy Caroline has been nothing but disruptive in many other ways.  In spite of the contribution she could make to the party, she refuses to cooperate in any way with those she considers her political enemies.  She has staged numerous walkouts in protest because her silliness wasn’t adopted by the party, and she formed the Republicans of Clark County PAC, which she designed as a disingenuous  unelected mirror organization to fool the vast majority of uninformed voters that the elected Clark County Republican Party supported candidates that it was diametrically opposed to. She has been openly and publicly critical of anyone in the party who she feels has slighted her – this list is long and distinguished.  Her PAC has supported Democrats like Ann Ogle and her associations and coffee dates make it clear that she has more friends in the Democrat party than the Republican Party.  One has to ask why the hell she even identifies as a Republican, given that she hates so many of them.  Honestly, if the Democratic party wanted to plant a ringer in the local CCRP to disrupt things and confuse people, the only person it could find better than Carolyn Crain for the job would be David Gellatly.

But let’s back up to Lew’s original post.  Seems like it wouldn’t be too hard to find out what Emerson meant when he posted that ill-considered remark, and well, hell, right there on a thread in the group 3rdCongressional District Republicans WA State, he explained what he meant and why he said what he did.  What are the chances this will find its way into Lew’s narrative?

Of course, David Gellatly can never keep his mouth shut when his veracity is challenged.

But the truth is a whimsical concept to David, subject to revision and reinvention from moment to moment.  Rick Halle stepped in to set the record straight.  This, of course, led to volumes of backing and filling by DRG until it devolved to schoolyard name calling, which is about where his emotional development got arrested.

Further down Higdon's thread, other rational people in the group apparently gave Higdon and Lew’s Libertarian nonsense a reality check, because Lew exercised his privilege as thought police and shut it all down and posted his little tantrum:

Apparently the debate wasn’t going well for the Oligarchy.  David Knight, risking banishment, reflected correctly on Lew’s inconstancy and hypocrisy. 

You are only allowed to criticize those that Lew disagrees with.  Unfortunately for Lew, this is not a tyrannical dictatorship with thought police ensuring that only approved discussions are conducted.  Yet. But Lew and Carolyn are doing their best to get there.

When you look at nonsense like this, it’s no wonder that the Southwest Washington Opinions group has become so moribund.  Those actually interested in discussing opposing views concerning the area have fled to Opinions of Southwest Washington, where the thought police don’t patrol and censorship is virtually nonexistent.  Of course, the likes of Lew and Carolyn would never venture there, because they can’t exist outside their safe space where their absurd views actually get challenged in the marketplace of ideas.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Grumbles from the Sidelines

Lew has openly expressed his disdain for political parties on many occasions, since the Democrats are full of ideological moonbats and the Republicans are in an existential struggle for control between constitutional, limited government patriots and wolf in sheep's clothing oligarchs who've controlled the party for far too long. Of course, if we would all just shut up and run the country according to Lew, we would have happy, prosperous lives and our political masters could suck off the teat of our productivity unmolested.  It must drive the old goat insane that he's announced himself irrelevant to both parties, since he defines himself by his pursuit of relevancy.

Perhaps it's this pursuit that drove him to mumble this latest gem of incoherency.

No one is sure who exactly this is addressed to, since no one appears to be using veterans as "political pawns," but we are sure that if it was one of Lew oligarchical Republicans, he wouldn't be highlighting the issue.

These are strange words from someone who sought to immunize himself from political criticism by wrapping himself in the American flag and claiming that because he was a Vietnam Vet, he had some sort of moral authority that made it socially unacceptable to criticize him.  Never mind that Lew's sole contribution to the Vietnam conflict was to make sure the Jesus nut on a helicopter was tight, a job he could have just as easily done at Ft. Campbell, KY as in Vietnam. Lew was in more danger chasing tail down in the 'ville than he was at his duty station.

Should we apply this same sort of logic to known leftist kook and Korean war vet Ed Barnes, who routinely forces his idiocy on us in public comments to the County Council?  The next time that moron says anything that makes sense will be the first.

Lew is all about supporting veterans, except when he forgets that many of the people he derides and seeks to silence, among them David Madore, Frank Decker, Mark Engleman, Sean Emerson, Kelly Hinton and others, are also veterans.  But they not the right kind of veterans to be respected by Lew, just like they're not the right kind of Republicans.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Cocaine is Okay, as long as you're Lew's sort of Republican

"We don't need no stinkin' facts!"

So, Crazy Lew, in a knee jerk response to a perceived attack on one of his cronies, graced us with this nugget of idiocy concerning the admitted drug abuse by Clark County Republican Chairman David Gellatly:

Of course, Lew is an authority, because he would never mouth off on something unless he had thoroughly investigated it. . .oh, wait, this is Lew we're talking about.  Let's see, did his wife claim that David used Cocaine? Let's have a gander at the public court documents. . .

Ah, shit, Lew, that's not an accusation by Davey's ex, that's HIM talking?  Lew, do you understand the difference between an accusation and an admission? In fact, his ex never had any intention of publicly accusing David of his drug problem, and expressed her surprise in her response:

But never mind, let's just wave our hands airily, after all only using it twice isn't something I'm concerned about because Davey is my kind of Republican -- i.e. he's pure establishment, and stands with me against those evil liberty minded republicans who *gasp* want the people to have a say in government!  Oh, the horror, can you imagine the chaos that would ensue if the rank and file American citizen were to be heard in the halls of power?

Christ, Lew, if this were even a slight rumor about David Madore, you would be calling for torches and pitchforks and a hangman'noose.  But since Davey Gellatly's your butt-buddy, never mind, pass the mirror and let's all do a line or two.

Where I come from, that makes you a fucking hypocrite, you sour old windbag.

And the same goes for you, too, Carolyn Crain.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Purge Him Before He Purges You!

The slaughter of the opinionated continues on Lew's newest little sanctum.  As the ship of David Gellatly (DRG) continues to take on water and sink, Lew continues to double down on stupid, until he's booting people who are complaining about the number of people he's booting.

Southwest Washington Opinions aren't allowed, unless those opinions conform to the groupthink of Lew Waters.  You are not allowed to express an opinion that casts a shadow on the already disreputable CCRP chairman.

First Lew claims the group was established to discuss "other issues."  However, a careful examination of the group charter doesn't reveal what issues are or aren't acceptable to discuss.  By the name, Southwest Washington Opinions are, well, opinions.  And it seems everybody has an opinion on the admitted drug use of CCRP chair David Gellatly, but those are verboten, because it's embarrassing to Lew for having backed such a loser..

Then Lew characterizes DRG's admitted drug use as a "gimmick" to force him to step aside.  Is there no depth of the swamp that Lew will not go to fly his flag?  How about all the "gimmicks" that Lew used to discredit David Madore?  Madore did nothing to deserve the vitriol that Lew published on a daily basis about him, but Lew's Establishment poster child pops positive for Coke, Methamphetamines and Methadone, and  Lew just airily dismisses it as a "gimmick."  The only reason this slimy swamp dweller is still in position as the CCRP chair is because of hypocritical low-lifes like Lew Waters who will go to any length to preserve their power, even if it means supporting an admitted drug user.

Lew feels that the discussion is slipping out of control and, unable to defend his absurd position, he goes on the attack, falling victim to the Tu Quoque logical fallacy: He avoided having to engage with criticism by turning it back on the accusers.  Of course, it backfires, because Rick Halle is heavily involved with the issue Lew tries to trip him on.

Flopping around like a gasping bottom feeder, Lew ends his torment, demonstrating again why he will never, ever engage in a discussion on a forum where he doesn't control the microphone. This, old man, is why you're irrelevant, because you will not broker honest and open discussions about issue that people obviously care about.

Back a little ways, Lew has started preemptively enforcing his no criticism rule, shutting down posts and booting people for even mentioning Gellatly:

This is the sum of the post.  No criticism, no opinion expressed in any way.  But Lew is now the thought police, so he knows that Dan Clark was up to no good:


So now we are not even allowed to mention Gellatly, even if there is no criticism, unless our hearts are pure.  And Lew gets to decide whose hearts are pure.

Then Tom weighs in and tries to add a measure of reason to the insanity, and as a result, Lew, in typical fashion, shuts down the conversation.

God bless, Lew, he's just the gift that keeps on giving!

Purges will continue in Southwest Washington Opinions until all opinions conform with the Establishment.

Friday, May 11, 2018

The Swamp Creature Returns

Irish lawyer and politician John Philpot Curran stated that, “The condition upon which God has given liberty to man is eternal vigilance.”  Sadly, the time has come that we have to dust off this blog and again to raise a voice against an irritating little thug in a forum where he doesn't control the narrative.

Lew Waters has been a thin-skinned snowflake for years before the millennials popularized being a snowflake.
Lew gave up his Clark County conservative “news blog” long ago  after his readership tanked and bottomed out with only his inner circle of avid sycophants reading it. You see, the thing about Lew is that he will never engage in a political dialogue on a forum where he doesn’t control the microphone. Lew is genetically incapable of defending his inconsistencies and prejudice in the open market of ideas, so the only means he has of making himself feel good about what he says is to silence all dissenting opinions. Awash in his persecution complex, he brands those who disagree with them as “Brown shirts,” “thugs,” and “Nazis.” The irony of these epithets are completely lost on Lew in his efforts to limit free speech, silence political opponents and ensure that the only message that gets publicity is the one of which he personally approves.

The closing of his blog must have caused Lew a damn near incurable case of political constipation. Ever the junkie, he couldn’t help but get his toe into the water in political discussion groups on social media. Of course, Lew never actually gets involved unless he controls the microphone, but that’s okay, because he and Bill Cismar are establishment butt-buddies from way back, so Bill made him an admin on this group, Southwest Washington Opinions.  Lew found his safe space, where he could pontificate on matters political, pass judgement with Crazy Caroline Crain on who is and isn’t a real Republican, and run interference for the current establishment loser running the Clark County Republican Party.

Lew hides behind the group rule of “No smearing opinions of another member.”  This rule was specifically put in place by Cismar as the David Gellatly protection rule.  Seems the county chairman needs a safe space where he can float his lies without anyone calling him out on his abuses since he was voted in as Chairman.  Cismar specifically said that it doesn’t matter whether what you post is true or not:  if you have a negative opinion about David Gellatly, you are not allowed to post it.  The Group should be renamed, “Southwest Washington Opinions that do not contradict or criticize the Establishment cabal led by David Gellatly.”

You are free to post your opinions on this group, as long as they conform to the opinion of Lew Waters.  Any opinion that Lew finds offensive will be branded as a personal attack and deleted, and the person summarily removed from the group.  If everybody is agreeing, then nobody is thinking, and that’s the way Lew and his fellow swamp dwellers like it.

Lew is a staunch Never-Trumper, because Trump promised to drain the swamp, which would disrupt the ecosystem that Lew enjoys so much, where Republicans do the bidding of Democrats and tell the plebes how life is to be.  Lew is apparently miffed that Trump didn’t clear it with him before he called himself a Republican, because we all know you can’t really be a Republican until Lew Waters and Crazy Carolyn Crain has blessed you.

In the latest revelations of the rapidly descending, impending crash of flight David Gellatly, public records from his divorce show that he admitted in court documents that he has abused cocaine at least twice since he became Chairman of the CCRP.  Of course, Crazy Carolyn Crain claims  that these are spurious allegations thrown around in family court, and not to take them seriously.  Her lobotomy must have damaged her critical thinking skills, since these weren’t allegations, they were admissions on the part of Gellatly, who’s ex-wife expressed surprise at, since she was inclined to keep that part of the divorce a private matter.

Had any of Lew’s enemies – which are legion – had such misbehavior made public, Lew would be at the front of the line, disparaging them, calling for resignations, and telling us how he knew all along that this was a bad egg. If David Madore had taken legal action against the many lies that were published defaming his good name, Lew would have been calling for torches and pitchforks. But Davey is the Establishment, a fellow swamp denizen, and gets Lew’s support and protection.  The Establishment swamp dwellers are hypocritically circling the wagons to protect their own. Ann Donnelly, Crazy Carolyn Crain, Lew Waters, Casey Kostman, Bill Cismar, and the rest of the swamp dwellers (Brent Boger has been strangely quiet) will defend Gellatly no matter how egregious his behavior, because he’s the “right kind” of Republican.

Gellatly’s substance abuse revelations have added to the public concern started by his attempt to stifle uncomfortable questions about his financial irresponsibility with party funds by suing a member of his own party with a SLAPP suit –  thus ruining the lives of a family for merely suggesting that an investigation should be conducted – his reckless tendency to antagonize anyone for the slightest criticism about the party and how he runs it, his purge of elected committee members who disagree with him, and a myriad of other abuses of power and mismanagement.  The drug abuse has been the last straw for many members of his own party who have to now given him the benefit of the doubt.

The outrage expressed against Gellatly has prompted a slough of purges from Lew's group.  Anyone who voices their disgust at Gellatly gets the boot from Lew.  Pretty soon the group will be reduced to Lew's normal circle of sycophants and a bunch of lurkers who probably turned off notifications for the group years ago.  Even if you don't get the boot, discussion will be terminated, as Lew will turn off comments on any posts that don't promise rainbows and sunshine for his cokeheaded boy. Here is an example:

Lew defends his actions by claiming there are more important things to talk about (like impeaching Trump, I should think)

So according to Lew, the fact that the current chairman of the CCRP may have embezzled money from the party, has sued an elected member of the central committee with a SLAPP suit, and has admitted to using illegal drugs multiple times while in office is not relevant, and not worth discussions, and no one is allowed to have opinions about it on a group he manages.  Lew, does any light penetrate into your corner of the swamp at all?

Then, as he is hypocritically prone to do, Lew starts complaining:

Wow.  From the man who does nothing but set absurd standards, this is so ironic.  Lew sets standards of who can and can't be a Republican, who can or can't hold office (Madore), who can or can't have an opinion on a forum he manages.  The guy is a tyrant!  Here's a challenge, Lew: Go defend your  positions in a forum where you don't control the microphone. Go on over to Opinions of Southwest Washington and make some noise, and see how small the few people are who disagree with you. Free speech and vigorous debate are valued there, and if someone gets called names, there are no safe spaces or cry closets.